I have seen multitudes change their destinies by believing these promises and refusing to give in to the enemy.
You must see that it is Satan who wants you to suffer. It is God who wants you to be blessed. Do not passively accept sickness, sorrow, trouble, or circumstances asyour destiny in life. Choose to believe what God’s Word says about you.
I read the promises of God over and over and over until I suddenly saw that God wanted to heal me.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you! Unless you do, you cannot be delivered. Put your trust and faith in God and His mighty Word.
Years ago, a man came to our church a broken man. He was a single father of four children, had lived a life of poverty and hurt, and was barely making it financially. When he put his faith in Christ, he began to give his tithe to the Lord and pray that God would bless him financially. I was impressed that he brought his children to church faithfully and even volunteered his time. I was aware that he worked hard in the medical field but was low on the totem pole. He gave his best and worked with excellence. The doctors took notice of his excellence and faithfulness and began to ask for his assistance. God gave him such favor with the doctors that he decided to start his own business and began to sell the medical equipmentto these doctors. God blessed his business, and today he is a successful businessman. Later, he met a wonderful Christian lady, and he and his whole family are serving God together because this man chose to believe that God had a better life for him.
He changed his destiny!
The Lord Jesus is with you as you read these promises of His power and willingness to deliver you. Begin to praise Him right now for your healing and victory. Praise Him even though you may feel discouraged or sick.
As Jabez did, pour your heart out to God. Press in to touch the hem of His garment. Do not be stopped or discouraged. God wants you to have
abundant life
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and as you act upon it, the miracle-working power of God is released. The word of the apostles to the crippled man in Acts 3 was,
“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk”
(Acts 3:6). As a result, the man rose up and went walking, leaping, and praising God into the temple! You, too, can be set free from sickness, addictions, anger, sin, and depression in Jesus’ Name!
As was true of Jabez, you can become a man of unwavering faith! Begin to do what you could not do before! Put action to your faith! Give God the glory and know that God is about to enlarge your territory!
Reflections from
M y father grew up with a “poverty mentality,” and for years in the ministry, he thought he was doing God a favor by staying poor. God tried to bless and increase my dad, but he couldn’t receive it. Later, Daddy learned that as God’s children, we are able to live an abundant life; that we should even expect to be blessed as was Jabez. Indeed, it is as important to learn how to receive a blessing as it is to be willing to give one.
Friend, don’t sit back and allow negative, critical thoughts to influence your life. The Bible tells us to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). When you dwell on God’s Word and start seeing the best in situations, little by little, one thought at a time, you will transform your thinking. God will help you. Stay full of faith. Stay full of joy. Stay full of hope. God will transform your life!
A Man
I once visited the Vatican in Rome. There are numerous paintings and statues of the twelve apostles on the walls and in the halls, and they’re all bigger than life. In fact, some of them are huge. I think it’s safe to say that the artists and sculptors captured the way we tend to think of the apostles—towering men of faith who rose up and changed the world.