she seemed to have taken a liking to some other man at the gala. I wasn’t sure who the guy was as I’d never seen him around before. I was pretty sure she didn’t know him either but that wasn’t stopping her. She was in the middle of a hot and heavy make-out session and she didn’t care who saw her. I had to admit, I was feeling a little on the jealous side and wished it was me kissing those perfect lips.
I tried to ignore what was going on and placed all of my attention on Sarabelle. Watching what her sister was doing was only going to drive me crazy. Why couldn’t I just man up and tell Lexi what I thought about her? Was I afraid of rejection? What in the world did I have to lose? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize the band had finished playing. Instead, I was still swaying back and forth like I had been for the last several minutes.
Finally snapping out of my daze, I gave Sarabelle a kiss on her forehead and went back to our table. When we got there, Lexi was nowhere to be found. Her sister looked around and spotted her walking out the door with the guy she had been making out with. I looked at Sarabelle and could see the look of concern on her face.
“Could you go get her for me? She doesn’t make the best decisions when she drinks,” she asked.
“Yeah, I can do that. She looked pretty messed up at the bar. Maybe I can get her away from that creep and get her back in here. Are you okay here by yourself for a bit or did you want to come with me?”
“I’ll be okay. Just try to hurry back.”
That was the answer I was hoping for. Maybe if I had the chance to spend some time alone with Lexi, I’d finally be able to tell her what I felt about her. It was doubtful, but maybe it would happen.
First, I had to intercept her in the parking lot before she had a chance to get into a car with a guy she didn’t know. I couldn’t imagine that going well, especially with the amount of alcohol she’d already consumed that evening. Apparently, I made it outside just in time as the valet had just brought the guy’s car around to him.
“Lexi, wait up,” I yelled as I ran up to the car. “Where are you going?”
“Does it matter? I’m going to have a little fun.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Why don’t we get you back inside?”
“Who the fuck are you?” the guy she was with replied out of nowhere.
“I’m a family friend. Her sister’s inside and I need to take her back in.”
“Are you fucking deaf?” he questioned. “The lady said she was going to come with me and have a good time. Why don’t you run along now?”
Why don’t I run along now? Who the hell did this guy think he was dealing with? I took a deep breath so I wouldn’t lose it in front of Lexi and was eventually able to collect myself.
“Brother, I don’t know who you are and to be honest, I really don’t care,” I said. “I just want you to know that you have to pick your battles in life. I strongly suggest that you don’t choose this one to fight. Why don’t you either go inside and find someone else to take home or go on alone and sober up. Lexi is not going home with you.”
He rolled his eyes and debated whether or not he wanted to take things any further with me. After a few seconds, he made the wise choice of saying goodbye and getting into his car and heading home. Unfortunately, this left Lexi pissed off beyond words.
“What in the fuck do you think you’re doing Liam? Do you think you’re my fucking father who can just tell me what to do? Well, you can’t. My dad is dead so just back the fuck off, okay?”
“Lexi, I’m sorry but I couldn’t let you go home with some guy you didn’t know. Besides, Sarabelle was worried about you and wanted me to come out and make sure you were kept safe. Why don’t we go back inside the gala, find her and the three of us can have a fun rest of the
1796-1874 Agnes Strickland, 1794-1875 Elizabeth Strickland, Rosalie Kaufman