He’d better not stand me up . . .
David nods. “Bye, guys. Rayne, good job.” He offers a quick handshake (he’s not quite at “hug” stage yet) and then he and Mom turn to leave. Once alone, I grin at my sister. “A vampire, vampire slayer cheerleader,” I say.
“Who would have thought?”
“Yup. That’s me. Multitalented.” She laughs. “Actually Teifert was just trying to get me to quit the Slayer biz. I guess Bertha the vampire slayer’s all recovered from those blood pressure issues and ready to get back into business. But I told him he should keep me on retainer. You never know, he might need me.”
“Well, I know I feel safer knowing you’re still on patrol,” I assure her. We’re silent for a moment and then I realize I should tell her about tonight. She’s going to be psyched that I made the decision without bugging her about it. “By the way,” I say, lowering my voice. “I’ve decided to do it.”
“Do what?” Rayne asks, feigning complete innocence. As if she doesn’t know exactly what I’m talking about. She just likes to see me squirm.
“It,” I say, my face reddening. “You know, with Magnus.”
“Ahhh,” she says, realizing what I mean. “My little twin is going to lose her innocence once and for all.”
I punch her in the shoulder. “Don’t put it like that!”
“I’m sorry,” she says mockingly. “My sister is going to bonk her boyfriend for the first time.”
“Rayne! I’m telling you a huge thing! And you—”
She laughs. “I’m just teasing, Sun. I think it’s great. You and Magnus are a wonderful couple. He’s completely loyal and devoted to you and he loves you with all his heart. It’s obvious just by watching you two together. And if you think you’re ready and have really given it a lot of thought, then I say go for it.”
I beam. “I mean, I know we’re not blood mates like you and Jareth. We’re not linked by blood to stay together forever with no one able to tear us apart. But we’re really close. I love him so much, Rayne. I don’t even know how to explain it.”
Luckily I don’t have to because Rayne’s BF, the drool-worthy vampire Jareth, chooses that moment to approach from across the field. He’s wearing a navy blue, tailored Armani suit and dark sunglasses, even though clearly there’s no sun in the sky. He’s all Jude Law meets David Beckham, sans tattoos. Guess this means Rayne finally wore him down on the whole beach bum/ surfer ensemble he donned all summer and has convinced him to embrace his inner metrosexual. Normally I’d be against such a blatant abuse of girlfriend power, but I have to admit, he does look good.
“Hello, my darling,” Jareth says in his deep English-accented voice. He wraps his arms around Rayne and pulls her close, planting a way-too-PDA-for-thefootball-field kiss on her mouth. A total “ew” moment, but I’ll let it slide this time, namely because I’m just so relieved they’re not bickering like an old married couple for two seconds. Poor Jareth. I’d stab a wooden stake through my own heart before I’d have agreed to be blood mates with my crazy, controlfreak sister. I don’t know how he puts up with her. He must have the patience of a saint, if not the soul.
“Hey now, don’t start the party without me!”
I whirl around, my eyes lighting up as I see Magnus approaching. He made it!
My heart starts palpitating too fast in my chest and my palms become sweaty. Not long now , a voice reminds me. This is it.
“Did you rent the room?” I whisper as he wraps his arms around me. Magnus nods. “It’s all set, my love.”
He leans down and kisses me. Now that the tables are turned, I so don’t mind the PDA. His cool lips feel so good, brushing softly against mine. I cuddle a little closer, so very happy that I will be able to kiss this vampire for the rest of my life. Everything is going to be fine. This night will be beautiful and perfect. And nothing can stop us