the euro in the global financial markets. The objective is clear: The weaker the euro appears, the surer and stronger the U.S. dollar appears, and the more likely investors are to buy U.S. Treasury debt and, thus, to finance the wars and budget deficit of the United States.
Maruschzik: Quo vadis Europe?
Against this background the developments in Europe are increasingly significant. The ‘Old Continent’ is also changing its face in these days. Which way will Europe finally take? The reply to this question determines the second epochal change to which we are contemporary witnesses.
This much seems clear: The European political elites are using the sovereign debt crisis to finally end the sovereignty of the European national states – especially also of Germany – and to bring the single countries of the eurozone under the control of a dirigiste bureaucratic central government. The goal is to establish the United States of Europe in the place of historically sovereign nations.
The founding fathers of the European unification envisioned the process of integration quite differently. They intended to build it upon a liberal regulatory policy that would establish and secure an anti-discriminatory competition between the member states. In paragraph 3 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC Treaty / Treaties of Rome) of 1957, it says: “For the purposes set out in Article 2, the activities of the Community shall include, as provided in this Treaty and in accordance with the timetable set out therein: the institution of a system ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted.“
A good approach, because Europe distinguishes itself by its variety that grew over centuries. The continent consists of many and very different regions with unique cultural, culinary, linguistic, social, and political idiosyncrasies. Furthermore, there are very different mentalities and perceptions of life. Out of this variety Europe’s strengths, Europe’s creativity, and Europe’s charm arose.
Instead of protecting these special idiosyncrasies with a liberal regulatory policy and to promote the competition between autonomous regions, the authorities in Bruxelles and Europe’s political elites have been pursuing a dirigiste bureaucratic integration programme for roughly five decades that increasingly limits the scope for personal initiative, variety and the richness of human mind in society, state and economy. The centralistic orientated Bruxelles is steadily expanding its power and sphere of influence. “The markets and other areas of life shall be ‘gripped’ with planning methods in order to subordinate the ‘mircrostructural’ substructure of the economy to superior ‘macrostructural’ objectives – by guidelines on technical and economical efficiency standards, by criteria for best sites, by minimum wages and other ‘social standards’, by regulating currency-exchange, by standardized interest rates, tax rates, and aid rates, by structural funds, regional funds, and cohesion funds, by an European financial compensation and forms of collective responsibility for sovereign debt,” summaries Prof. Dr. Alfred Schüller (the tools of the one size-fits-all policy in the ORDO 1 yearbook). Bureaucrats in Bruxelles are seizing responsibility for judging and deciding what should be the measure of all things for the different European nationalities. Entire Europe is about to be levelled and “normalized.” Even fruits and vegetables should orient themselves on standards cogitated by highly paid bureaucrats in Bruxelles. 2
It is foreseeable: European variety will be the casualty. Laws, rules of action, and other guidelines predetermined by Bruxelles will increasingly limit the scopes of the citizens. They establish obstacles and disincentives to entrepreneurial behavior. In doing so the centralistic oriented Bruxelles is destroying livelihoods on a large scale. It can only