his snowmobile by one of the snow cats and made a beeline to the changing area, with Gunner trotting along behind him.
Sven rushed through the changing room doors, making Lars jump as he struggled out of his snow suit. Gunner looked up from his comfy bed in the corner, ears tall, alert!
He quickly relaxed again realising it was Sven, Lar s’ s long time friend from childhood, turned long term business partner.
“ Whoa !” said Lars .“ Big entrance for a little guy !” Then noticing Sve n’ s suit he added ,“ You got a job interview little guy ? ”
“ Not funny Lars, w e’ ve all got a job interview! I’ ve been calling you constantly, where the hell have you been? Talk about cutting it fine, you should be starting the demonstration in less than five minutes and w e’ re stil l top side!”
“ Been up to Gian t’ s Throne with Gunner on the snowmobile, did n’ t hear the phone, sorry . ”
Sven sighed putting his hands on his hips. He watched as Lars fastened his boots almost casually, and seeing him do so he guessed that Lars was going to do this presentation dressed in his combat trousers and loose fitting woollen jumper. He rolled his eyes!
“ Yo u d o know w e’ ve got our Prime Minister and Defence Minister down there, not to mention two Deputy Prime Ministe r’ s representing Sweden and Finland ! ”
“ I should hope so ,” said Lars .“ And what about the others? Has there been any word from Denmark ? ”
Before Sven had a chance to answer Lars added ,“ What about the ones that really matter? The important ones ? ”
Sven gasped .“ My God Lars, they al l matter ! God I ca n’ t believe you just said that, and I seriously ca n’ t believe yo u’ re going to go out there dressed like that ? ”
Lars glanced over himself .“ This is what I always wear is n’ t it? This is me this is what I’ m most comfortable in . ”
Sven shook his head and Lars said ,“ Are you comfortable and more at ease in that stiff, hard looking suit than in your jeans and T-shirt ? ”
Sven did n’ t answer, he did n’ t need to .“ Besides ,” said Lars .“ After today do you really think people are going to care about what I was wearing the day we changed the world? Or you for that matter? Apart from the photos no one will ever know who wore what ! ”
Sven pressed his lips together and looked up at the ceiling .“ At least I made an effort ,” he said.
Lars tugged his laces tight and stood up, he put a hand on Sve n’ s shoulder smiling and said ,“ Well friend, I suppose this is it then eh! Are you ready ? ”
“ As always. Are you ? ”
Smiling, Lars patted his shoulder and said ,“ Le t’ s go and save Mother Nature ! ”
Lars shot a glance at Gunner, as he exited the changing room with Sven. Gunner was curled up sound asleep. Grinning Lars turned and lead the way.
Walking along the sterile white corridors towards the lifts Lars nodded to Sven ,“ So tell me about the important guests that made it today.
“ Lars!” hissed Sven and Lars added ,“ The ones wit h brains!”
“ I know what you mean Lars. I would just rather you did n’ t refer t o anyon e here today as wit h o r without brains . ”
Pushing the lift command button Lars looked at his friend grinning .“ Well ?” he said.
Sven rolled his eyes .“ They all came ,” he said .“ Everyone that we coul d’ ve possibly hoped for ! ”
“Excellent, ” said Lars beaming from ear to ear as the lift doors opened and they entered.
As the two men travelled down to the main dock, Sven informed Lars that the VIPs had all been jointly welcomed by himself, with Selene standing nearby and that they were all currently waiting in the conference room.
“ They have n’ t seen anything of the facility have they ?” said Lars.
“ No, although that might have changed now that yo u’ ve kept them waiting for so long ! ”
Lars shook his head .“ They wo n’ t have moved, the y’ ll be too busy rubbing shoulders