The Chancellor was not known to mince his words and was always prompt. Today was no exception.
The huge office door opened and a bespectacled grey haired man, dressed in a pea green academy tunic glanced sternly at all three, before speaking.
“I will see you individually, starting with you Mister Costello.”
Fifteen minutes passed, before the door reopened and Steve Costello exited, without expression. He left the Chancellors suite in silence. Two minutes later the Chancellor gestured for Carla to enter. Carla also left the Chancellor’s office without comment. After a further five minutes, it was Jake’s turn to face the Chancellor’s wrath.
“Enson Carter. Please take a seat.” He cleared his chest twice, before looking up and frowning.
“Your situation in this matter is the most perplexing Mister Carter. You were not under the influence of the Kryl and your psyche tests results rate you as a model student. Yet, not only did you take unauthorized leave of absence, you stole a Jump Ship and had the audacity to take it through a bloody wormhole!” He was shouting now.
“Now I understand that your antics in the Kryl system were heroic and the CO of the ship you’re attached to is singing your praises, but this in no way compensates for your previous actions. You need to decide now how best to respond to these actions. Believe me, my mind is not made up.”
“Sir, I can understand your anxieties. My actions were totally reckless and I apologize profusely. I don’t feel that a long-winded explanation is of benefit, unless of course, you would prefer if I did explain.”
“Is that your best shot, Mister Carter? You have misjudged me if you feel a simple apology is sufficient. I need to know why you acted as you did and I need to be convinced that you will not repeat these acts given the same set of circumstances.”
The Chancellor was quite calm now. The pressure was all on Jake.
“I did it for Carla, Sir. It was obvious she had fallen under the influence of Professor Winterburn and I had no choice but to rescue her.”
“Acts of compassion out of friendship are acceptable but not to the extent that you jeopardize your life, others lives and a state of the art Jump Ship! Your judgment was totally misplaced. What happens in five years time if you are forced to make a decision to save a loved one or your crew? Would you make the same decision again?”
“Of course not, Sir. I would not have put my Alpha colleagues at risk. I do recognize that I was insular in my actions, but this was a matter of life or death.”
Jake spent the next few minutes outlining the events leading to his enforced absence from the academy and those that followed. When he finished, The Chancellor stayed silent for a few moments before responding.
“Are you in love with Miss Stephenson?”
Jake hesitated. This was not the kind of question he expected to answer.
“Yes, I think I am, Sir.”
“That is unfortunate. Alpha Command has no place for relationships of that kind. They should be avoided. Very well, you have explained your actions but could I trust you not to do it again? Officers, who graduate from top five Academies with a nine plus grade, usually make it to the top. There is no room for mediocre careers following a high-grade result. If you are allowed to graduate, you will score very highly and within a few years, you will be commanding Star ships. Can I justify the potential risk to the crew of a Star ship, by allowing you to graduate?”
“Of course, Sir. This was a one-off and I recognize the point you are making. I will ensure that I maintain control over my emotions in future.”
“There is nothing wrong with emotion. Indeed, it is a necessary part of command, as your human side is often more attuned to a situation than your rational side. You need to keep your pants zipped up Mister Carter—that is the essence of this discussion. I wanted you to recognize that your emotional decisions have implications