the Holy See. In every case, the condition of the interview was that the individual would not be identified by name or even acknowledged in a general way in this introduction. This was both to ensure that people felt free to speak candidly, but also a concession to the requirement of the Vatican’s employee handbook that officials below the level of undersecretary must have the authorization of their superiors before submitting to an interview. Thus I can only express a generalized note of deep thanks to these remarkable souls who move the levers of the institutional Catholic Church and who helped me understand their world.
A number of other people have been instrumental in making this book possible, often without realizing they were doing so. I want to acknowledge those who contributed to whatever virtues the book may possess. First a word of thanks to my colleagues in the Vatican press corps: Gerard O’Connell, Giancarlo Zizola, Gianni Cardinale, Phillip Pullella, Orazio Petrosillo, Marco Politi, Marco Tosatti, Luigi Accattoli, Victor Simpson, Sylvia Poggioli, Greg Burke, John Thavis, Cindy Wooden, John Norton, Robert Blair Kaiser, Robert Mickens, Jeff Israely, Jim Bitterman, Alessio Vinci, Hada Messia, Robert Moynihan, Delia Gallagher, Sandro Magister, Allen Pizzey, Bill Blakemore, Keith Miller, Bruno Bartoloni, Anna Matranga, Paddy Agnew, Frank Bruni, Melinda Henneberger, Alessandra Stanley, Richard Boudreaux, Tracy Wilkinson, Manuela Borraccino, Richard Owen, Dennis Redmont, Franca Giansoldati, David Willey, Ludwig Ring-Eifel, Andreas Englisch, Renzo Giacomelli, Giovanni Avena, Eletta Cucuzza, Ewout Kieckens, Philippa Hitchens, Charles Collins, Tracy McClure, and many others. They have offered me several lifetimes’ worth of insight, expertise, and friendship.
I also want to acknowledge other friends and colleagues who have offered me valuable nuggets, even if they were not conscious that their contribution would help shape this book: George Weigel, Fr. Thomas Reese, Fr. Richard McBrien, Fr. Andrew Greeley, Fr. Richard Neuhaus, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, Fr. John Jay Hughes, Giovanni Ferro, James Nicholson, Brent Hardt, Alberto Melloni, Fr. Antoine Bodar, Fr. Antonio Pernia, Austin Ruse, Fr. Bernardo Cervellera, Bill Burrows, Fr. Borys Gudziak, Fr. Brian Johnstone, Fr. Bruce Harbert, Fr. Bruce Williams, Sr. Clare Pratt, Fr. Daniel Madigan, Fr. Dan McCarthy, Fr. Keith Pecklers, Fr. Mark Francis, Fr. David Fleming, Fr. David Jaeger, Fr. Dennis Billy, Fr. Donald Cozzens, Donna Orsuto, Fr. Drew Christiansen, Eugene Fisher, Rick McCord, Duncan MacLaren, Erich Leitenberger, Christa Pongratz, Ernesto Galli della Loggia, Sr. Filo Hirota, Fr. James Moroney, Francis Pimentel-Pinto, Fr. Franco Imoda, Fr. Michael Hilbert, Fr. James Puglisi, Hubert Feichtlbauer, Fr. Jacques Dupuis, Fr. James Hentges, James Walston, Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, Fr. John Baldovin, Fr. John Huels, John Page, Fr. John Wauck, Fr. Robert Gahl, Marc Carroggio, Fr. Flavio Capucci, Fr. Jose de Vera, Julia O’Sullivan, Fr. Ken Nowakowski, Fr. Kieran O’Reilly, Robert Mickens, John Wilkins, Margaret Hebblethwaite, Austen Ivereigh, Sr. Marie MacDonald, Mario Marazziti, Francesco Dante, Claudio Mario Betti, Fr. Mark Morozowich, Markus Bakermans, Michael Novak, Michael Waldstein, Nelly Stienstra, Fr. Nikolaus Klein, Fr. Nokter Wolf, Otto Friedrich, Fr. Paul Robichaud, Fr. Greg Apparcel, Fr. Jim Moran, Fr. Peter Phan, Phillip Jenkins, Fr. Raymond de Souza, Fr. Robert Geisinger, Fr. Robert Taft, Fr. Joseph Tobin, Fr. Peter Jacobs, Fr. Ron Roberson, Russell Shaw, Fr. Sebastian Karotemprel, David Clohessy, Richard Gaillardetz, Salvador Miranda, Fabrizio Mastrofini, Fr. Stephen Privett, Fr. Ted Keating, Fr. Thomas Green, Fr. Thomas Michel, Fr. Thomas Rosica, Thomas Seiterich-Kreuzkamp, Fr. Thomas Splain, Fr. Thomas Williams, Fr. Anthony McSweeney, Fr. Virgil Funk, Fr. William Henn, Fr. Willy Ollevier, Fr. Gerald O’Collins, Fr. Michael Scully,