in to help a fellow PSI-Op. Eadan Daly was someone he considered a friend. The guy was also the reason Duke was now forced to type out reports.
Da mn Fae.
Eadan was young yet, barely thirty , but like Duke he’d stopped aging. Somehow, Eadan, even at his young age within the immortal world, had managed to find love and happiness. He and his mate were together. That was what was important. Not the how or whys of how they’d come to be that way. Too many people stuck their noses where they didn’t belong and mocked the idea of happiness that could last. Duke didn’t really find the matter to be a laughing one. He’d have given anything to have it, even if just for a few minutes. Instead, he was left scratching his manly itch with women who meant nothing to him. Quite honestly, he often didn’t bother to catch their names. They weren’t his mate or mate material so he didn’t bother with attachments.
It was easier that way.
Most of the women he allowed to warm his bed weren ’t supernaturals so they weren’t permitted to know anything paranormal really existed. Never good to start anything serious with someone you can’t tell the truth to. He never told any of them he loved them. Hell, he didn’t even bother saying he liked them. That was implied if he fucked them. He was open with them all, telling them firmly he was only in it to get off, nothing more. They wanted a night with him so they accepted it. He held no guilt over that.
Besides, they were mortal. It couldn’t last. They’d age and die. He wouldn’t—at least not for a long, long time.
Unless he got himself killed. Which could possibly happen with the devil -may-care attitude he possessed on some things.
He had to be so careful with humans. They were fragile things.
The supernatural females he ’d taken to his bed were fine to help pass the time, but they weren’t what he wanted to spend forever with. Hell, Duke wasn’t sure if he even was forever material. Despite how much he knew he wanted it. Longing still lingered deep within Duke. He wanted what Eadan had. What so many of the Immortal Ops (I-Ops) had—a mate.
Wou ldn’t happen.
Not at his age. It wasn’t as if she’d just suddenly show up out of the blue after all this time. He didn’t have that type of luck.
If his woman had been out there , he’d have found her by now.
The Immortal Ops only just found their mates , he thought to himself.
Could be hope.
The damn phone rang again. He lifted it, already expecting it to be the nut case who made his dick hard. “Woman, what now? You rethink the anal probing?”
The woman made an annoyed noise. “ I did not call in any alien abduction and I do not want to be anally probed by you. Can I please speak to someone not you? They do have someone who isn’t an asshole there, don’t they?”
He thought about it. “ Nope. We’re all pretty much assholes.”
She sighed. “ If they find out I’m calling you at all, they’ll kill me.”
He stopped being annoyed and started paying attention —not that his dick had ever stopped being attentive to the voice, but the conversation was getting serious now. “Okay, slow down. Who will kill you?”
“ The Corporation,” she said, pausing for what felt like forever. “I have to go.”
She hung up.
Duke tried to figure out how to return the call but he couldn’t even get a line out of the building without assistance, he was that phone-challenged. Worry for the woman coursed through his veins and he held the phone in his hand until it began to beep, signaling the line was dead.
He waited , hoping she’d call back.
She didn ’t.
His gaze drifted downward to his groin. It was still very interested in the woman ’s voice. More than it should have been considering it was just a phone call—okay, several phone calls.
Your luck, it was your mate, calling you out of the blue, dumbass.
He growled, hating how sentimental and emotional he was letting himself be. He ’d have
Temple Grandin, Richard Panek