met. Talk about awkward. She remembered that day well.
A perky waitress sauntered up to them to take their orders. After she walked away with the promise of drinks and the night's special, Hunter turned his attention back to Becca.
"You have this knack for memorizing every detail and then capturing it on canvas later. Everyone who visits me asks about your paintings. I tell them that the artist is special - one of a kind. I've even had a few people offer money to take your art home. I've had to turn them down."
Becca opened and shut her mouth again. He had to be pulling her leg on that last part.
"I'm serious. If I could take you home and introduce you, I bet you'd have people lining up to meet you."
She let out a laugh, but it came out more like a squeak. "You still have that way about you that flatters me every time."
"I'm sure you get flattery all the time. But I mean what I say." Hunter extracted his hand from hers and reached in his pocket. "I brought you something."
Before she had time to protest, Hunter pulled the item from his pocket and handed it to her. It was a small box, wrapped up in pretty blue paper. He pushed it across the table, urging her to open it.
Sometimes he acted like four years hadn't passed between them. Becca shook it off and reached for the box, carefully removing the perfectly wrapped ribbon, then tore into the box.
He didn't get her just one thing. There were multiple items inside. She held up a small seashell and a key chain.
"It's from Mexico. I bet you don't have anything from there in your collection." At her silence, Hunter bit his lip. "Do you still collect them?"
She certainly did. She used to keep all her small keepsakes like these in a chest that had a lock on it. That way her grandparents could never get into the chest and search through her mementos and memories that only she would understand. Now that she lived by herself, she displayed them proudly. Hunter knew her fear of flying, so every time he went somewhere new, he'd send her a piece of the world.
Hot tears pricked her eyes. "Thank you. They're beautiful. Perfect. I can't believe you remembered."
"I don't ever forget things when it comes to you, Rebecca. I have more, but I thought I'd bring those for now." A dark emotion flashed in his eyes. "I can't make up for the years I didn't show, nor will I try, because you can never make up for lost time. I just want you to know how important you are to me."
They spent the entire night talking and laughing and most importantly, bridging that four year gap. After dinner, they wound up looking at the stars and the water from her balcony. The night chill deepened. After another shiver, Hunter ran inside the room, returning moments later with a blanket, which he gently draped over her. Eyelids half closed, Becca smiled. "You shouldn't have brought that blanket out. Now you've given me more reason to want to fall asleep right here."
Hunter laughed, still kneeling beside her. "I've kept you up so late. You look exhausted. Don't you need your sleep?"
"Of course I-" She let out a yawn. "Do. Oh good heavens, I can't stop yawning all of a sudden."
Hunter surprised her when he scooped her up in his arms. He sailed through the open door of her room and set her down on the large bed. "We've got more time to catch up. I look forward to it. Call me when you wake up," he pleaded, then rushed away to close and lock her balcony door.
Becca's eyelids were heavy with sleep, so she gave in and closed her eyes. "Thank you, Hunter," she said in a soft, tired voice.
"For?" His voice came from nearby. The mattress sank beneath his weight. Then she felt his hand on her cheek, brushing her skin lightly.
"For coming back. For not forgetting," she mumbled, succumbing to sleep.
The last thing she heard before fully conking out was Hunter's voice. He kissed her cheek, then brushed her hair from her face.
"You're unforgettable. I never want to stay away for so long again. I'm glad you welcomed me