line. She made a tiny noise which spoke of fear and panic even though she almost seemed calm. “They’re good. Don’t worry. Remember, I told you that my best friend married the vamp kings? Well that’s how I know Ross, we have been friends for a while now.” Elisabeth swallowed thickly and nodded slowly. The male she now knew as Griffin inclined his head for a second. “Fear not human, we are not permitted to drink from humans so you are quite safe.” “Good to know,” Elisabeth squeaked, her eyes were wide in her head. “I won’t be long,” Becky said. “How long is your lunch?” Ross asked. His intense gaze seemed to bore into her. “A half hour”—Becky glanced at her watch—“make that twenty five minutes.” “She will be twenty five minutes,” Ross said, his eyes still locked with hers. He moved forward, entering her personal space and invariably herded her into her clinic. “Call if you need anything.” She heard her receptionist shout just before Ross shut the door. “I thought I told you to leave me alone.” She folded her arms across her chest. He shook his head. “I can’t do that.” “You vampires are all a bunch of grade-A assholes. I may have been interested once upon a time, but I’m so over it now.” His face turned solemn. “You must believe me when I tell you that I didn’t agree with Brant’s treatment of the wolf and his pack, or of the things he said to Stephany. He acted like a colossal idiot but I had to follow my orders.” His eyes darkened. “The only reason I volunteered to join with Brant on the expedition was so that I could see you. Please believe me.” “Following orders, huh?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “And if Brant told you to jump into a fire would you do that too?” He looked confused for a few seconds before shrugging. “Yes, I would.” She couldn’t help the incredulous sound that escaped her. “That’s freaking crazy…you would burn to a crisp all because your king told you to do it?” “It would be greatly uncomfortable but I would heal quickly. I don’t see the big deal.” She kept forgetting that they had extra abilities. “If he told you to stab yourself with a silver knife would you do it?” Ross shook his head. “That would be stupid.” “You see?” She put her hands on her hips. “You don’t have to follow orders.” “I do if I want to keep my balls, but if it’s a choice between my balls and dying on a silver blade I’ll take my chances and opt not to be stabbed. Why are you asking me all of these silly questions?” His eyes dropped to her breasts and then lower, not that he could see much under her buttoned up lab coat. The big vampire groaned, his eyes filled with untethered desire. “Don’t. I told you that I’m not interested.” A bald faced lie, but maybe she would start believing it herself if she kept saying it. His nostrils flared. “Your scent tells me otherwise.” Becky grit her teeth in sheer frustration. These non-humans and their sense of smell. Wait just a freaking minute. It probably meant that he could smell Rushe on her. “What are you playing at? You can’t possibly want me.” “I just said that I do and I plan on having you. I’ve waited a very long time.” His eyes narrowed for a second as his nostrils flared again. They then turned smoldering hot. “Take off your clothes or I will destroy them.” “Wait just a minute, buddy.” Becky wagged her finger at him. “You cannot come into my place of business and demand that I take off my clothes. We are not having sex here.” She whispered the last even though Elisabeth couldn’t possibly hear her. “I need to be inside you. Need it so badly that I ache.” His muscles bunched and his jaw locked. “Well, you should have thought about that before you followed all of Brant’s bullshit orders.” She knew she was being a bit unreasonable, but she didn’t like how her heart pounded at the thought of