Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth

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Book: Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth Read Free
Author: Joseph Prince
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the rock represents the blessings we need, whether it is health, prosperity, protection or peace. Now, it’s up to us whether we drink it or not. God has done His part, so just reach out and receive.
    How many of you have seen kids hitting a piñata at a party? When they are blindfolded, the kids use sticks or clubs to hit the piñata packed with goodies. When the piñata breaks open, all the goodies flow out and the kids rush around collecting whatever goodies they can find.
    The Bible says that all the fullness of the Godhead is in Jesus. (Colossians 2:9) He is full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) So when God’s rod of judgment struck Jesus — He was like a piñata — all the blessings of God burst out for us to receive! He was like the alabaster flask of very costly ointment that was broken so that the ointment of God could flow out for us to receive!
    Beloved, Jesus went to the cross so that you can be blessed. He laid down His life willingly for you. The nails in the cross did not keep Him on the cross. It was His love for you that kept Him there!
    And if God has given you heaven’s best, will He then withhold from you blessings such as complete healing, a good job or a healthy relationship with your wife or husband? Of course not! If He did withhold these blessings from you, then these things would appear to be of more value than Jesus! The Bible says, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)
    Today, we can be blessed because of the cross. And it is because of His obedience and His beating that rivers of blessing can now flow to us.
    A Picture Of The Crucified Christ
    Some of you may still not be convinced that the smiting of the rock in Exodus 17 is a picture of Jesus on the cross. So let me show you how beautifully God has hidden signs in this incident that point to His Son’s crucifixion. God’s Word is so amazing! There are no superfluous details in His Word!
    In Exodus 17:5, the Lord told Moses, “Go on before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel.” Then, in the next verse, it says that Moses did as commanded and struck the rock “in the sight of the elders of Israel” .
    So we see that the rock was struck in front of the “elders of Israel” . We see in Matthew 26 and 27 that Jesus was also judged, condemned and crucified in the presence of the elders of Israel! Caiaphas the high priest interrogated Jesus in the company of the chief priests, scribes and elders. He also tore his high-priestly garment in front of Jesus, not knowing that he was fulfilling prophecy — that the old priesthood held by man was to give way to the heavenly priesthood of Jesus! Later, when Jesus hung on the cross at Calvary, the elders of Israel were also there and they mocked Him.
    Another clue is the rod which Moses used to strike the rock. Again, in Exodus 17:5, the Lord told Moses to “take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river, and go” . Do you remember what river was struck by Moses’ rod? It was the Nile river in Egypt. Moses smote the Nile with his rod, turning its water into blood. (Exodus 7:20–21)
    So what is Moses’ rod a picture of? It’s a picture of judgment! When Moses struck the Nile with that rod, the water was turned into blood. Blood here means death. The fish in the river died, the river stank and the Egyptians could not drink the water. It was bad news for them. And if God had continued the plague, they would have died too.
    So Moses’ rod is a rod of judgment. In fact, from the very first supernatural must be in the manifestation of the rod, you can tell that his rod was meant to deliver curses. When God told Moses from within the burning bush to throw his rod on the ground, Moses did so and the rod became a snake (Exodus 4:2–3), which is a symbol of the curse.
    Our trust must be in the finished work of Christ, not in our obedience or good works.

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