juice. They would cheat on their Latin tests
like they always didamo, amas, amat was still tattooed on the inside of Serenas elbow in
permanent marker (thank God for three-quarter length sleeves!). Theyd drive around Serenas
parents estate in Ridgefield, Connecticut, in the caretakers old Buick station wagon,
singing the stupid hymns they sang in school and acting like crazy old ladies. Theyd pee
in the downstairs entrances to their classmates brownstones and then ring the doorbells
and run away. Theyd take Blairs little brother, Tyler, to the Lower East Side and leave
him there to see how long it took for him to find his way homea work of charity, really,
since Tyler was now the most street-wise boy at St. Georges. Theyd go out dancing with a
huge group and lose ten pounds just from sweating in their leather pants. As if they
needed to lose the weight.
They would go back to being their regular old fabulous selves, just like always. Serena
couldnt wait. Got you a drink, Chuck Bass said, elbowing the clusters of parents out of
the way and handing Serena a tumbler of whiskey. Welcome back, he added, ducking down to
kiss Serenas cheek and missing it intentionally, so that his lips landed on her mouth.
You havent changed, Serena said, accepting the drink. She took a long sip. So, did you
miss me? Miss you? The question is, did you miss me? Chuck said. Come on, babe, spill.
What are you doing back here? What happened? Do you have a boyfriend?
Oh, come on, Chuck, Serena said, squeezing his hand. You know I came back because I want
you so badly. Ive always wanted you.
Chuck took a step back and cleared his throat, his face flushed. Shed caught him off
guard, a rare feat. Well, Im all booked up for this month, but I can put you on the
waiting list, Chuck said huffily, trying to regain his composure. But Serena was barely
listening to him anymore. Her dark blue eyes scanned the room, looking for the two people
she wanted to see most, Blair and Nate.
Finally Serena found them. Nate was standing by the doorway to the hall, and Blair was
standing just behind him, her head bowed, fiddling with the buttons on her black cardigan.
Nate was looking directly at Serena, and when her gaze met his, he bit his bottom lip the
way he always did when he was embarrassed. And then he smiled.
That smile. Those eyes. That face. Come here, Serena mouthed at him, waving her hand. Her
heart sped up as Nate began walking toward her. He looked better than she remembered, much
better. Nates heart was beating even faster than hers. Hey, you, Serena breathed when Nate
hugged her. He smelled just like he always smelled. Like the cleanest, most delicious boy
alive. Tears came to Serenas eyes and she pressed her face into Nates chest. Now she was
really home. Nates cheeks turned pink. Calm down, he told himself. But he couldnt calm
down. He felt like picking her up and twirling her around and kissing her face over and
over. I love you! he wanted to shout, but he didnt. He couldnt. Nate was the only son of a
navy captain and a French society hostess. His father was a master sailor and extremely
handsome, but a little lacking in the hugs department. His mother was the complete
opposite, always fawning over Nate and prone to emotional fits during which she would lock
herself in her bedroom with a bottle of champagne and call her sister on her yacht in
Monaco. Poor Nate was always on the verge of saying how he really felt, but he didnt want
to make a scene or say something he might regret later. Instead, he kept quiet and let
other people steer the boat, while he laid back and enjoyed the steady rocking of the
waves. He might look like a stud, but he was actually pretty weak. So, what have you been
up to? Nate asked Serena, trying to breathe normally. We missed you. Notice that he wasnt
even brave enough to say, I missed you? What have I been up