X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story

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Book: X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story Read Free
Author: Michelle A. Valentine
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isn’t the problem. I’m fine, see.” I give him a small smile, hoping he stops prying before I get caught up in my own lie about being taken.
    “Not sure I’m buying that weak-ass smile.”
    His lips pull into a tight line, and I fully expect him to release me, but he doesn’t. Xavier’s fingers stay in place, burning into my skin. “It’s fine if you don’t want to say what’s on your mind. I get that. But no more frowning for the rest of this trip, or I might be forced to find other ways to make you smile just to piss your boyfriend the fuck off.”
    His finger traces down my neck and across my collarbone, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
    My mouth drops open and I can’t stop myself from asking, “What kind of ways?”
    Damn my stupid curious brain. That just set him up for all kinds of dirty talk.
    He tries to fight back a smile, but it doesn’t work. It comes at me in full, glorious force. “More ways than that sweet brain of yours could ever imagine.”
    He leans into me, and I can’t do anything more than tense because his hand slides up the side of my neck in a very intimate gesture. He’s close enough that, if I pushed forward a couple of inches, our lips would meet in what I imagine would be an earth-altering kiss.
    “I could do things to your body that most women only dream about while reading their dirty romance novels, and I promise you’d fucking enjoy it.”
    I stare up at him speechless. Wow.
    Just… wow .
    I can’t believe he just said that to me.
    Xavier licks his plump lips. “No strings attached, and your boyfriend would never have to know.” He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I just want a little taste.”
    My breath hitches and I close my eyes. The thought of allowing this man to have his way with me is very tempting. So tempting in fact that, for a moment, I seriously consider agreeing. The opportunity to possibly have the best sex of your entire life doesn’t come along every day, and I can tell just by looking at Xavier Cold that his skill in the bedroom likely knows no bounds.
    He would be the perfect act of rebellion. Going against everything my life currently represents—a representation I’m desperate to break away from.
    I want to say yes to him, I really do, but no matter how hard I fight to break away from the good girl persona, I know random sex with a stranger will never be my kind of thing.
    I open my eyes and they instantly lock on his cool blue ones. I take a deep breath and whisper, “No.”
    His brows shoot up, like he can’t believe he’s just been turned down.
    “ No? ”
    My chest begins to heave. For some strange reason, turning him down is hard. It’s like my body is defying my brain and becoming aroused, even though my head is screaming for me to run as far away as I can.
    Xavier sucks in his bottom lip and slowly pulls it between his teeth. “You don’t seem so sure about that no , beautiful. You want to change your answer? I’ll be gentle with you, I swear. You don’t have to be afraid of me.”
    “I, uh…”
    I, uh…what? There’s nothing to even consider here. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time giving him a firm no—one that sounds like I mean business. Even I realize I’m throwing him mixed signals by allowing him to touch me and whisper dirty promises in my ear.
    Desperate to get myself out of the intense mess I’ve allowed to go on too long, I push him back a bit and turn to the middle-aged, brunette lady sitting across the aisle from me. “Do you have any blank paper, please?”
    She nods and reaches under the seat in front of her to retrieve a bag. After digging around for a moment, she finds a small notebook and rips out a page. “This is all I have.”
    I return her smile with one of my own. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”
    I turn and redirect my attention to Xavier, who watches me with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “The only thing I would like from you is your autograph. Nothing more.”
    I lay

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