she’d only ever seen once before today, was already standing at the head of the long table, his expression professionally inscrutable, his dark blue suit and red tie setting him apart from the business-casual attire in the rest of the room.
When the l ast person was seated, he rocked back on his heels with his chest thrust forward a little and cleared his throat. “Ah hmmm. We’ve called you all here this morning because we have an exciting announcement. Miller Inc. has recently received a buy-out offer from a larger company, and this move will give us incredible opportunity for worldwide distribution of our products and services.” He beamed at everyone as if they had all just won the lottery before he switched to an overly-practiced look of regret. “Unfortunately, due to redundancy issues, this branch of the company is going to have to be dissolved.” Lottery face again. “However, all of you will receive very generous severance packages, and the opportunity to apply at any of the other Miller Inc. branches that will be going forward.”
Liv sat utterly still as the words sank in and the room around her erupted in shuffling noises and frantic whispers. Well hmmmm. She was waiting to be hit by the fact that she was now officially unemployed, but she just didn’t feel as upset as she thought she probably should be. Instead, a strange sense of relief, of rightness… came over her as packets of paperwork were distributed around the table by one of the women from HR. This was supposed to happen today , she thought. It’s a sign that things are gonna change, it has to be… She took her stack of papers, then stood and walked out of the room, back to her cubicle. She packed up the few personal belongings scattered around, all of which fit into her bag, turned in her key card at the front desk, and made her way back to her apartment in a strange state of calm anticipation.
As she turned the key in the lock and pushed open the door, h er mind still hadn’t quite processed the fact that she had just been laid off. She had so not seen that one coming. She had no job, but she had looked over the papers on the train, and at least she had three month’s severance pay to keep her going until she found something else. Maybe something that she really liked. Maybe she had been laid off because she was about to find her dream job… something with a little more adventure, maybe some travel, anything that didn’t involve spending her days in a four-by-four box. And there was that intriguing little tingle of anticipation again.
She dropped her bag on the kitchen table before she kicked off her black kitten heels and grabbed a glass of water. Her gaze landed on the letter and book she had left there, what… an hour ago? She picked up the letter and read it again. Glasgow? Hell, why not, I’ve always wanted to see Scotland. And it looks like I’ve got a little vacation time. She automatically picked up the phone to call Jess, her best friend and habitual sounding board, and the closest thing to family she had, well, besides her mostly absent grandmother. Since Jess worked out of a home office as a real estate agent, Liv knew that unless she was out with a client, she would be free to talk.
Jess picked up on the first ring. “Hey Chicky, what’s up? You playing hooky on your birthday?”
“Yeah, permanently. I got laid off. The whole company did. We got bought out.”
“Oh my god Liv! That’s wonderful!” There was a rusting sound, most likely Jess tucking the phone under her chin to free up her hands.
Liv’s mouth dropped open, and she quickly snapped it shut. She should have known that Jess wasn’t going to say anything conventional, or even appropriate. That was just the way she was. “What do you mean