surprised him and only served to make forming words even more difficult. Somehow, he forced his tongue-tied mouth to continue.
“I thought maybe we could start with you on the seat.”
He gestured before turning, with reluctance, from her towards his camera. He wanted to take in more of her, to find out why she looked at him now as though he had a contagious disease.
Turning away from him, he watched her walk over to the seat, lie down on her side and rest her head on outstretched arms. The sultry expression she aimed straight down the camera made his heart lurch again. Not only did she know what to do without direction, nailing the brief, she also stole his breath. For the first time since he was a teenager, his palms grew sweaty and instant desire teemed through his veins. The usual lust prevalent around other models disappeared in her presence. Instead, it became replaced with a nervous, unable to string thoughts together, infatuation.
“That’s perfect,” he managed to mumble out before beginning to shoot.
Looking at her through the lens, he determined her eyes to be green, the color of the sea on a stormy day. He felt as though they penetrated his soul and evaluated what they found inside. He directed her though several different poses and each time she knew exactly what he wanted, as though she possessed the same thoughts. To say he was somewhat impressed was an understatement.
“I think we got it,” he said after snapping the final shot. He walked over to her as she stood up. “You have captured the brief perfectly.”
A silly school boy giggle erupted in his head. His natural flirtatious manner hid behind this professional, eager to be serious Mitchell, which had taken control of his mind. The first time he wanted his charm to be at play, it ran scurrying under a rock.
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re really easy to work with too.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled. Sudden shyness now slid itself onto the list of unusual reactions.
“I guess I’d better go change. Thanks again, Mitch.”
‘What is the matter with you?’ he yelled in his mind. ‘Ask her out. Don’t let her get away!’ His mouth wouldn’t co-operate.
Instead, he watched her sleek legs as she returned to the back rooms to change. The effect she had on his senses astounded him. A woman had never had this effect on him before. For the first time, for as long as he could remember, he didn’t want to sleep with her, he wanted to know all about her. Her beauty and almost ethereal poise had stupefied him.
When she re-emerged in running gear, with a fresh clean face and her hair tied back, he attempted to work up some courage to approach her. A quick study told him she looked much better this way.
Somehow he convinced his legs to move and he closed the distance in several quick strides. Now he needed to urge his mouth to speak.
“Um, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight.” The trepidation in his voice surprised him. Today was full of surprises.
“I’m busy.” Her face gave little indication of her thoughts. It was a blank canvas.
“Maybe another night then?”
“I don’t think so.” Her tone sounded cool again and he wondered why. Perhaps it was his inept attempt at charm.
“I’ve heard about your reputation and I have no inclination to be one of your statistics.”
“I’m not that bad,” he said, knowing that perhaps he could be and cursed himself. “I think you’re amazing and want to find out more about you.” Great: now his mouth worked like a flowing river. He groaned internally at the overeager boy sprouting words that didn’t go with Mitch the man. He gave her what he knew to be his ‘winning’ smile but this merely caused her to frown.
“Sure you do. I’ve heard all the lines before and they aren’t going to work. I’m not just some dumb model that will jump into bed with anyone who asks.”
Her reaction caused him to smirk. Not only was it endearing, it was