plastic forks, spoons, knives
4. black tablecloth
5. black fabric (to shroud the “spirit chair” for your mom)
6. black cups
7. black and white votive candles (lots of black, one white)
8. black serving bowls
You’ll note the theme: BLACK. Holler if you have trouble finding any of this, and I’ll help.
Caressa, you’re already donating your house (along with stuff like lighters, etc.), but I’m going to make you in charge of getting the food together. The nine food items we decided on for our feast, in backward order, are:
1. Sara Lee cheesecake (dessert)
2. Turtle brownies (dessert)
3. Cheeze Whiz (cheese course)
4. Potato chips (side dish)
5. Rotisserie chicken (main course)
6. Celery with peanut butter (salad course)
7. Cup-a-Soup (soup course)
8. Taquitos (appetizer)
9. Fresca (beverage)
All of these items are available at Safeway, but you probably knew that.
As for me, I’m going to bring the ritual items we need, like sage sticks to purify the room and our chosen divination tools:
Lila: black scrying mirror
Caressa: brass singing bowl
Me: rosaline crystal ball
Here’s how the night will unfold:
Lila, I’ll pick you up. When we get to Caressa’s, we’ll prepare the food, and I’ll purify the feast room with sage sticks. We will also write our prayer/wishes on the black notecards. These prayer/wishes should have something to do with the guys we each hope to find.
At EXACTLY midnight, we will all enter the feast room and set our prayer/wish cards at our designatedplaces. After that, Caressa and I will begin carrying items in to set up the table. Remember, ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING, LAUGHING, ETC. in the feast room. Caressa, you and I have to carry each item in together, with your hand on one side and mine on the other. It will take a while, but we can make it go faster if we plan it all out beforehand, maybe even rehearse. Here’s the order:
1. Tablecloth
2. Candles
3. Spirit chair shroud
4. Plates
5. Napkins
6. Silverware
7. Cups
8. Food items, in order
Once all the food is on the table, Caressa and I will enter the feast room backward and sit in the chairs backward. Lila, you’ll come in backward and lay your hands on the back of the spirit chair. Welcome your mother’s spirit (SILENTLY!) to our supper. Light the white votive candle and place it on the plate in front of her chair, then light one black votive candle for each of us and place them, one by one, on the plates in front ofus. Take a seat backward on your chair, Lila, and then we’ll eat. Dessert to appetizers, the way it should be in REAL LIFE.
At the end of the meal, we will, one by one, pull our prayer/wishes out from under our plates, and we’ll burn them with our black votive candles.
The prediction part goes like this: whichever guy each of us sees FIRST at the end of this ritual will be the guy we’re supposed to date. What fun, huh?????? Junior prom, here we come! Let me know if you have any questions.
L&K, Meryl
[email protected] TO:
[email protected],
[email protected] SUBJECT: re: DUMB SUPPER, print and read!!!!!
TIME: 6:29:33 A.M. , MST
A) What are you doing up at four in the morning??????
B) Are you sure I can get black stuff at the partystore? Won’t it have something written on it like, “Over the Hill,” or something? If it does say “Over the Hill” or “Happy Halloween,” is it still okay?
C) I did think it was slightly creepazoid at first that we had to invite a dead relative, but I got to thinking it will be pretty cool having my mom “participate” in finding me a boyfriend. I’m sure she would’ve given me help/advice if she was still here. So, no worries. I’m not freaked.
D) The menu sounds great!
E) I CAN’T WAIT FOR NEXT TUESDAY!!!!! I agree, junior prom, HERE WE COME!
FROM: [email protected]
TO: [email protected], [email protected]
SUBJECT: re: DUMB SUPPER, print and