the trio into the Tower of London would have been the better choice. But even though I’d often wished that Mike and Noah hadn’t been on that bus, I would never in a million years have wanted them dead.
Chapter Three
“ W hat message is that?” Cassie said. “Free Ireland?”
I shrugged. “That’s what it looks like to me.”
Ireland was an ongoing problem. Portions of it had been conquered by Norman barons over a hundred years ago, and the English king had ruled it ever since, taking the title of Lord of Ireland. I’d reluctantly inherited that authority four years ago when I’d become King of England and had been trying to negotiate a graceful way out of ruling it ever since.
“What sucks is that my sympathies are entirely with the Irish,” I said. “I just haven’t figured out how to leave.”
“It would be easier if you didn’t mind your barons rising up against you,” Cassie said.
“And even if I were willing to risk that—which quite frankly I am—I won’t be able to change anything if I’m not the king.”
“Catch-22,” Cassie said.
“To Lee, that might be a pathetic excuse for inaction,” I said. “After my crowning, I put off dealing with rights for women because discrimination seemed too culturally ingrained and difficult to change. It was easier not to address it. This is the same.”
“As always, you’re too hard on yourself.” Callum said. “You have so much on your plate already.”
“That may be, but when will I have less?” I said.
The answer, of course, was never.
Cassie studied the wall, her brow furrowed. “I still don’t get it. How does that symbol on the wall, and that writing, which only Callum understands, free Ireland? Why kill Mike and Noah? What’s the point of any of this?”
“We won’t know until we find him, though it occurs to me that I may know something about Lee that could help us,” I said.
“That’s more than I can say,” Callum said.
“That reminds me—” I gestured to the wall, “—of something Lee said a while back. Several times since he came to London, Lee mentioned the Troubles in Ireland, the ones with a capital ‘T’. When he mentioned them, I made sympathetic noises, but I didn’t want to talk about Ireland with him since it’s a sore point, as you know. I do remember him mentioning some talks that were due to start around the time you left Avalon in the bus.” I glanced from Cassie to Callum. “Do you guys know anything about that?”
Callum frowned. “I do. Cardiff was to be neutral ground for a meeting of representatives from the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and England, as well as the EU. The economic crisis had brought some problems to the forefront that needed to be resolved. The negotiations were to begin the week after we left.”
“Maybe that’s why Lee was in Cardiff that day,” I said.
“Are you wondering if he was there as a demonstrator?” Callum said.
“He could have been. It’s clear he doesn’t think much of English control of Ireland,” I said.
“There’s a big difference between demonstrating in front of city hall and murder,” And then Cassie gave a gasp as she realized what she’d said.
A wintry chill settled in my chest, and my breath caught in my throat too. “City Hall.”
Cassie looked from me to Callum. “He couldn’t have—” She broke off.
Callum put up both hands. “Can we put anything past him, given that he murdered Mike and Noah?”
“But if he had something to do with the bombing—” Cassie closed her eyes for a second. “I have never met an angrier man than Lee.”
“Before we get too far ahead of ourselves with this, are we sure that the murders are his doing?” I said, and then at the incredulous looks on my friends’ faces, grimaced. “Yeah, you’re right. I’d be stupid to think otherwise.”
“We must be very careful,” Cassie said. “Armed and dangerous doesn’t quite cover it.”
“We already know about his
Ednah Walters, E. B. Walters