“Oh! I love baby girl clothes!” Linda squealed. “Has she picked out a name yet?”
“Um, no,” Aggie said. “Not yet.”
“I’m really good with names. I bet I can come up with one for her.”
Betty hopped up from the table and headed straight for the coffeepot. “Anyone need a refill?” She grabbed the coffeepot and then reached for the cabinet above the refrigerator where she kept her stash of alcohol. “How about a splash of Brandy?”
Both Aggie and Roger held their mugs up.
Friday, November 18 th
Chapter 2
Leaving the Amtrak station, Aggie let out a sigh of relief. Her houseguests were finally on their way to San Diego County. She felt a little guilty not driving them to Sarah’s herself, but not bad enough to actually be doing it. Besides, she, Roger, and Betty were on a very tight schedule. In just a couple of hours they were going to be leaving for Las Vegas. She’d done her best at trying to convince Betty and Roger that flying from Palm Springs to Las Vegas would be the most convenient form of transportation to get them to the wedding, but neither one of them agreed. She was a little bitter that she couldn’t at least get Betty to side in with her, but both Roger and Betty felt a road trip was in order.
Roger believed that flying was a waste of money when they lived within driving distance and Betty just wanted a road trip. She had been trying to convince Roger to let her drive his BMW, but he wasn’t backing down. Betty was the world’s worst driver and somehow she’d recently obtained her driver’s license after having had failed it numerous times in a row. Aggie felt that the man Betty had been flirting with, who worked for the DMV, hoped to get a date with her by giving her a license. Aggie knew it wasn’t Betty’s keen driving abilities that had miraculously appeared out of nowhere just for the driver’s test that caused her to pass. It was more like her keen ability to flirt with the opposite sex that got her to pass her test.
The reason Betty was trying to get Roger to let her drive his car was because she no longer had one of her own. She’d had a little mishap about six months ago and accidentally drove her Lexus off the side of a cliff in Joshua Tree National Monument. Even though the car looked to be in okay shape after the incident, the insurance company deemed it a total loss since the airbags had deployed when the car crash landed, and Betty hadn’t gotten around to saving up enough money to buy a new car yet. When she had received her insurance check, she’d somehow managed to spend it. If Aggie had thought Betty should be behind the wheel of a vehicle without supervision, she’d offer to buy one for her, but that wasn’t the case. So, anyhow, to stop the cousins from arguing over whom was going to drive to Las Vegas, Aggie had jumped in and offered to drive all of them in her Mercedes.
Frowning, Aggie pulled into the gated community that she and Betty lived in. She really disliked long road trips and being in the car for four hours wasn’t her idea of fun. And, to her, being the driver was even worse than being the passenger. As a driver you couldn’t relax or take a nap. She’d much rather hop on a plane and be in Las Vegas in less than an hour instead of driving for several. But obviously that wasn’t going to happen. So she told herself to focus on the positive side of things. At least she wasn’t going to be trapped in a car with Linda and Jill. Talk about a nightmare! She could just imagine what that would’ve been and like. The thought was unbearable. At least I like both Betty and Roger, she reasoned, even though the two cousins had a habit of bickering like an old married couple.
A couple of hours later, Aggie and Betty were packed, ready, and on the road. They swung by Roger’s house and picked him up. Out of the three of them, he was the only one