“Sexier than Eva Longoria?” She asked playfully.
“Definitely,” he agreed.
She stretched her petite 5”4’ frame onto her toes, reached out a hand and felt his forehead. “Yep, it's just as I suspected. The heat is starting to fry your brain!”
“I believe he would need to have a brain in order for it to be scrambled,” answered a deep voice from behind her.
Angela turned around to find Isaac and Jessica, an office temp from the Whitman Construction, standing directly behind them. It took an extreme amount of effort to keep her from rolling her eyes. Isaac had barely arrived at the picnic and he already had a new woman on his arm. She clearly needed to start dating more. Isaac’s personal life was none of her business and she certainly shouldn’t care whom he spent his time with.
“Hey, welcome back.” she greeted Isaac warmly. She reached out intending to give him a quick embrace, but he caught her around the waist and pulled her closer, hugging her much tighter than she expected.
He whispered near her ear before releasing her.
“Family of flatterers.” she countered as she stepped back.
He arched an eyebrow and smiled. “Think you can you say that five times fast?”
Angela rolled her eyes. “So Jessica, are you going to the Prom?” The minute the words left her mouth she laughed. “Is it just me or does that sound extremely juvenile? Are you going to the fundraiser in August?”
Jessica was already vigorously shaking her head. “One bad prom was enough for me!”
“What about you Isaac?” she asked lightly. His strong broad shoulders would look devastatingly handsome in a tux. It was a shame he was far too promiscuous in his attentions.
“Are you asking me to be your date Ms. Campbell?” Isaac teased his jade eyes sparkling.
“I’m afraid that honor has already been taken.” said Charles from beside her.
Isaac’s warm gaze met hers. “I guess I’ll have to see about changing your mind.” He said in a hushed tone that neither of the others heard. He turned away dropping her gaze. “Jessica, are you thirsty? I’m really thirsty.”
“Yes, I could use a cold soda.” She replied quickly.
“Charles, you don’t mind showing Jessica were to find a cold soda do you?” Isaac asked him.
Charles chuckled. “No, I don’t mind.”
As Jessica turned and walked away Charles elbowed Isaac in the side as he walked passed. “Real subtle.” He muttered before catching up to Jessica.
“You really are the devil, aren’t you?” She asked him.
“Me? What did I do?” Isaac asked his tone innocent.
Angela kicked a foot in his direction sending a spray of water that hit him square in the chest, creating a large damp mark in the middle of his cotton t-shirt. She quickly regretted the impulsive action when he started heading in her direction, a mischievous glint in his eyes. She backed away from him, her footsteps taking her further into the water. She held her hands out in front of her. “That was completely an accident.” she lied.
“Of course it was.” Isaac charged her and grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her into the air.
Angela shrieked and clawed at his arm. “Isaac stop!” she cried out as he walked deeper into the water. He continued trudging through the water and she began to struggle harder. “Please. Please. Please. I’m sorry!”
“You sure about that?” he asked with his brow raised.
Handsome asshole, she thought to herself. She didn’t realize she had narrowed her eyes. Her captor laughed and began walking further into the water again. “No! Really, I am sorry! I am!”
“You just don’t sound apologetic to me.” He told her and continued walking.
The water was past their hips now. “Concert tickets, I’ll buy you concert tickets!” She bribed desperately.
“Concert tickets huh?” He stopped walking and set her down in front of him. “What concert are you going to take me to Angela?” He asked his voice husky.
Angela crossed her