and looked at the game of stars.
“You don’t know half of it. This bleeding nose is just the beginning of the end. Tomorrow I have a couple of hours and then he will personally accompany me into the city. It was the final mistake, he said. My book is also still in his possession.”
“Tomorrow ... my birthday. But hopefully you come over, even if just shortly? I would be glad to see you at least one last time before it becomes uncertain what happens next.”
“This is what I said when I spoke of the few hours’ time. It was the only reason I could bring up to convince him. He thinks that it would be a good idea if I witness your failed existence one last time before I transition into higher circles of society.
Sometimes I think that this man is made of nonsense. You are at least as smart as I am. Even if it means nothing to you, you could achieve the same things I do.”
“I shall become a scaredy-cat? Oh sorry I meant of course, diploma holding chicken-hearted honouree,” she said and made me laugh my anxious mind away.
“What would I be without you?” I asked her and rummaged my room for a small box.
“Probably the son of a proud father, who would praise you all day,” she said with a serious expression and looked at me.
“I can already imagine the nightmare. ’Oh son, I finally have found a successor! Who besides you could lead this insane, misguided failure of a population if not my own arrogant and blinded offspring?' And then he would perhaps even gift me one of these expensive jackets.”
“That would not be your style. Men with glasses and bleeding nose need something special. What is in the box?”
I put the box on the bed and took my coin in hand.
“This coin reminds me, that you will achieve your dream at some point. Maybe tomorrow finally is the day that your father returns. I would like to give this box to you, but you shouldn’t open it before you see your father again. As I will be away for an unforeseeable period of time, I thought that I give you something to accompany you while I am gone, as my last gift so to speak. My father is, as you know, impatient. I hope that I will see you tomorrow.”
She took the box and stood up. And while she approached the window, my fear of never seeing her again grew with every step she took.
“Do not fear. You are special,” she said and gave me one last wink before she opened the window and disappeared.
I let myself fall back on the bed and put the bloody cloth and my glasses next to me. Nothing except laughter could escape me, because this day was different than any other day I knew. For this was the first time I did not fear my future. Although I did not get many hours of sleep, it was nevertheless enough to give me new strength. When Edgar entered the room at night and woke me up, the sun was already gone.
“Young lord, the dinner is served. The master will be waiting for your arrival in five minutes.”
I had no intention to join my father, but I also did not want to let the 'Master' wait. No matter what the future would bring, it would free me from him. Edgar and the rest of the servants had prepared the great hall, probably as a last gesture of goodwill of my father. Even if he did not like to say it I was nevertheless part of his inheritance.
“Sit down! You are late for dinner. Were you sleeping again? Your weak spirit can probably not endure an entire day. If I look back at this day, it is not surprising. To destroy the life of a human being must be exhausting.”
As always he tried to make my life a beautiful and wonderful journey and so I wanted him to share this path with me, even if only for a night. My mere presence already triggered cramps in his face which I enjoyed to the fullest while course after course was served.
“What do you expect from your future? Your wish, what was it? Being some kind of circus fighter? What plans does a person like that have? I contemplated all day about it.”
I put the fork and knife