and killed two more of the bastards. Another team killed the remaining three DHS moles. The NG vehicles were searched for explosives and GPS tracking devices. Mills had them removed and placed on DHS Humvees. Next, several teams snuck into the artillery emplacements and shoved 105mm rounds down the barrels of the 155mm cannons. Then they poured sand down the barrels of the 105mm cannons. They sabotaged about half of the cannons before they heard the crews starting to wake up for the morning. The whole camp was stirring now and most would be crossing the bridges to head into Decatur. Mills planned to head west instead of crossing the river and go over to Elgin and cross the river at Wheeler Dam and hide out east of Florence until they could head back north to get their families. The NG units peeled off the road went through a field and cut across country in the pitch-black night. They were undetected and soon made it to Highway 24 and headed east until they joined Highway 72 and drove over to Elgin and crossed the river. About half an hour later, they heard several explosions and artillery fire at the same time. Then they heard explosions across the river in Decatur. Eighty men were killed and dozens more were wounded when the cannons exploded. There was a half hour lull while the crews checked their cannons for sabotage. “Head over to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course. We’ll hide there until the coast is clear.” They drove back roads and gravel paths to get close to the golf course and were not spotted by the DHS. They drove up to the clubhouse and Major Mills got out and walked up the front steps. “This place is beautiful and will make a great command center. “Sergeant, hide as many of the vehicles under the clubhouse as possible. Hide the rest under the trees and no golfing.” The Fighting Joe was Major Mill’s favorite golf course. The course had reverted to weeds and tall grass; deer and rabbits were everywhere. “Ted, we used to come here every spring for our buddies golf tournament. Do you think anyone will ever play here again?” “Jack, I hope so because that will mean everything is back to normal. I don’t think we will see it in our lifetime.”
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Chapter 4
Decatur Falls
Decatur, Alabama
February, 2021
Field Marshall Anderson had been chosen by the President to get revenge for the Mobile debacle. He was the Field Marshall for Tennessee and was one of his favorites. He knew that he would do anything he told him to do. Killing was no problem for Anderson who had been Black Ops who turned to selling his services to the highest bidder before TSHTF. He had him wipe out several groups of 2 nd Amendment protesters in Iowa and Texas two years ago to slow that movement down. He hated guns; however, he made good use of them to further his agenda. Anderson arrived just after dark the night before to observe the attack on Decatur. He brought his wife and teenage sons to watch the attack. They needed to see the victory and go back and tell their friends about the experience. He even had several reporters along to broadcast the major success in his new Southern Campaign. “Dad, why did we have to get up so early? The sun won’t be up for hours.” “Major, take my wife and kids over by the cannons so they can experience the barrage.” “Sir, the noise will be deafening.” “I know. I won’t be able to hear the whining.”
“Sir, shelling will start on your command.” “General, begin firing.” “Commence firing.” The firing began with cannons exploding and large fragments tearing through the crew and onlookers. Men and women were killed instantly. A three-foot long section of a barrel cut through the Field Marshall’s family and sliced them to pieces. His oldest son was screaming in pain with the lower half of his body several yards away. Anderson was hit by several small pieces of shrapnel, but had no major