that had her rolling her eyes. The car came to a stop at the travel platform closest to the problem area. Unfortunately for her it happened to be a public travel platform, and one where the inhabitants knew her. Her fears proved founded when Ms. Witherstone spotted her from the crowd waiting for a travel car on the other side of the platform. "Rachel, dear. How wonderful you are down here! Our apartment block needs looking at." "Sorry, I have an emergency to attend to. Please file a service request." Rachel urged her bot forward faster before Ms. Witherstone could extricate herself from the crowd and come after her. The old lady might be sweet, but sometimes she didn't know the word 'no.' Then came two people she knew from the garden club. Then the kids from the local school who'd noticed their playing field getting a little swampy. Another who was convinced the water in her apartment tasted different from anyone else's. A lot of it stuff she could have set a good solid apprentice on to learn the job and the community. She tried to reason with herself, telling herself that she'd had a good apprentice in Wu for two weeks. She should be glad for the time. It gave her faith other good apprentices might be out there somewhere. Who was she kidding? She needed someone for more than two weeks, someone who would stick around and become a full-time plumbing engineer at the main platform. Someone to stay in her department that none of the other departments could steal out from under her. "Know of anyone searching for a job?" Rachel asked her bot as they moved into the proper maintenance corridors of the area, one of the larger ones, she noted. Her bot chirped back at her as it led the way to the repair before it started singing its unique song all over again. Finding many other repair bots waiting for her didn't bode well. Finding a steady stream of water trickling out from among a cluster of pipes added to the concern. The big pipes towards the back of the wall serviced most of the sector with both fresh water and waste removal. Trying a few of the valves, turning them on and off in sequence and the first good news of the day appeared. The problem turned out not to be in any of the waste removal pipes, but one of the fresh water pipes. Much cleaner to work on and she didn't need to worry about haz-mat level cleanup afterwards. The bots swarmed around her as she worked to get down to the exact problem segment. Once she narrowed down the location, she discovered a small leak around one of the main overflow valves. Multiple hands came and went with the tools she asked for and parts from the cart. The repair didn't take very long. What bothered her was that the maintenance alarm in the area didn't go away. Instead, Arthur reported a new alarm going off in her location. She found the new problem spot only to have a new alarm go off. Rachel scowled at the maintenance corridors around her. "It's as if something is playing with the pressure." Her bot chirped a question, but instead of leading her to a new problem area, it stayed at her feet. She knew what that meant. Her bot was waiting for her to decide what to do about the mess next. "This isn't a treasure hunt. We go to the next alarm," Rachel told her bot. This time she led the way to the problem area, using all her senses to help her judge the status of the new problem. The line of bots trailed along behind her, quiet for once as she concentrated. A pressure. Definitely a pressure coming from the area. No smells to speak of, which meant no waste-water problems. Come to think of it, all the problems had been in the fresh water. Her right hand trailed along a main water pipe before it curved into the wall. A few more valves under strain, but no breaks. What could be causing the problem? The station automatically adjusted the water pressure to remain within tolerances. She shouldn't have the problem at all. She rounded a corner to find even more bots waiting, finding the