what she could fit into her two suitcases. Thankfully she didn’t have much to worry about. She scrawled a quick note to the superintendent, giving her notice and also letting him know that movers would be coming to pick up the rest of her things. And then she was back in the car and heading to the Sullivans’ house. Sophie was excited to be working at all, but to be working for a world-famous actress? It was more than she could have hoped for. It did occur to her that she was driving with a complete stranger who was taking her to the home of two more complete strangers. And she didn’t know where the house was. And she hadn’t told anyone where she was going. Oh wait—she told the superintendent. So if her dead body turned up tomorrow the police would figure it out eventually. Sophie wasn’t usually so cavalier when it came to her own safety, but she really did trust the Sullivans. It was a gut instinct and most of the time she was an excellent judge of character. Tony was a rare exception to that. He had been charming and sweet to start out with, but his behavior toward her became progressively worse. She finally dumped his ass when she came home to find him with another woman in their bed. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Sophie looked out the tinted glass into the night. The windows were so dark she had difficulty seeing anything. She could tell they had left the city, because there were very few lights. Kendra had said they lived near Hedon Falls. Sophie thought it was north of Toronto but wasn’t sure. She’d figure it out soon enough. As the car continued on, she found herself thinking about her new employers. Kendra was just as beautiful in person as she was on the screen. She was smaller than Sophie had thought she would be. Her petite build meant she was almost as short as Sophie herself. But Sophie definitely had a few pounds more. She wouldn’t say that she was fat, but while Kendra was probably under the ideal weight for her height, Sophie had about ten pounds more than the “average”—whatever average was these days. Sophie knew, though, that there was no way she’d be secretly trying on Kendra’s clothes. Maybe that’s why they had chosen her. It was too bad, really. Kendra probably had some stunning gowns. Speaking of stunning—Sophie was impressed with Jack. He managed to stay out of the media, and the gossip shows really didn’t say much about him. Sophie knew he was a businessman. Maybe a stock broker? She couldn’t remember. But he was just as gorgeous as his wife. Unlike Sophie and Kendra, Jack was tall, even for a man. Sophie guessed his height to be around six foot three. His shoulders were broad and he seemed to be well muscled, though his suit jacket made it hard to tell. Sophie felt a wave of heat rushing through her as she remembered watching him walk away from her before. His butt was tight and well shaped and extremely nice to look at. His hair was brown with just a hint of gray around the temples. He was probably in his early forties but still looked great. His brown eyes were quite serious and compelling. Sophie hadn’t been able to keep herself from talking to him about Tony earlier. It was as though he could convince her to spill her innermost secrets. Sophie just hoped that he didn’t ask her whether she had any lustful thoughts about him because she could end up embarrassing herself. He made her think very lustful thoughts indeed. But he’s off-limits, Sophie thought to herself. She knew how it felt to be the woman whose man was cheating and she swore she would never make another woman go through that. The vehicle seemed to be slowing down and Sophie looked out again to find that they were approaching a lit gate, which barred a driveway, flanked on either side by high stone walls. The driver pulled up and rolled down his window. Sophie watched as he swiped a card in a small machine and then pressed some buttons on a keypad. As he rolled the windows back up, the