touched, small sparks emanated and their hands glowed.
“It can’t be,” she whispered looking into his eyes. A smile tilted the corners of his lips and he nodded, then mouthed, “Ssh.” He stepped closer, so close his throbbing erection tapped against her belly. It had not been erect when she’d entered, but now it sure as hell was. All she wanted was to reach down and touch that throbbing invitation.
Haven waited. His face was barely inches from hers. She parted her lips anticipating his kiss.
Instead, he whispered so softly it was good she had enhanced hearing or she’d never have picked up the words. “Don’t say a word, Haven. Nothing that will incriminate you. The walls have eyes and ears.”
“Ssh. Later. In bed.”
The energy still sparked between them when he dropped his hands and walked away.
Isan stood and headed for the bathroom. “Evening, Haven. I think I’ll have a shower, unless you’d like to bathe first?”
“I think I will. I have to go to orientation again in fifty-five minutes. That leaves me barely time to bathe and eat. When I get back, it’s almost lights out.”
“Okay,” he answered, but held both hands up for the customary greeting as she approached on her way toward the bathroom.
Haven placed her palms against his and experienced the same transference of energy as she had with Josias. Impossible. Two bonding partners ? Meeting his gaze, she picked up anxiety within him. He seemed more serious than Josias.
Haven lowered her hands and swiveled into the bathroom. Rather than the soak she so longed for, she quickly showered. She wouldn’t mind the orientation so much that evening, knowing when she got back to her quarters, it would be lights out and time to crawl into bed with those two gorgeous hunks. This time, even though she was exhausted, more so mentally than physically, she would force herself to stay awake. That was, if her interrogators didn’t pump her full of drugs or truth serum again.
The shower helped to cool her libido. Feeling refreshed, she dressed and returned to the main room. Happily, she jabbed at the buttons on the food dispenser. One of the choices was hamburger and fries. She’d earned another bonus that day. She chose it, but the burger almost got stuck in her throat while she chewed. It was food she’d earned by killing another five innocent people. Leaving half the burger and most of the fries, she opted for her herbal tea instead. She’d barely finished drinking it when the guard entered to escort her to orientation.
“Prisoner one-zero-one-eight-eight, can you tell us why you are here?”
Over and over they asked the same questions, day after day. They injected her with truth serum, but she was immune to it, thanks to her enhancements. Haven kept glancing at the clock. She endured their cruelty, the blows to her ribs, the rod sending shocks through her body, the occasional fist to her head. All she could think of was Josias’ whispers. She kept that in her mind the whole time they came at her—until their final words. They scared the living hell out of her.
“Prisoner one-zero-one-eight-eight, you may return to your quarters. We have scheduled a transfer for you to our medical facility in three days. Your enhancements are hampering our investigation, so we have consulted with the scientists who enhanced your abilities. They will remove some of those devices. Go. We’re done.”
Oh, my God! Oh, dear Jesus! What am I going to do?
The guard led her from the room and back to her quarters. Her feet felt like lead and her heart hovered somewhere near them.
The two men gazed at her as she sank onto the side of the bed. Tears were close, but she refused to cry. Never, ever, would a man see tears spill from her eyes. She knew from the expression on their faces and in their eyes they realized something was off. But, Josias had warned her, the walls have eyes and ears . In other words, there were hidden cameras and the room was