screamed when one of them grabbed at her.
Ralph swiveled the M60 around to the driver's side to defend her. I lashed out with a foot to kick another way, while swinging my now empty M16A2 around to bash another away. That gave me just enough time to eject and reload a new magazine.
We slammed into two more, and another zombie went under the front left wheel. At that speed, the jeep lurched to the right. We went off the driveway and straight into a big oak. The point of the cowcatcher struck it dead center.
"Fuck me!" Ralph cried, slammed into his M60 again. "Ugh! Do you know how to drive?"
"Screw you," she growled, put it in reverse and hit the gas.
We flew backwards, bowling over more zombies. Ralph spun around to shoot behind us. I looked back and my heart skipped a beat. There had to be hundreds of the relentless monsters coming at us. More appeared next to me, clawing at my face and clothes.
All three of us screamed.
Olivia managed to get it back into first, and we lurched forward. Too fast, and the engine stalled. I stood up, barrel of my rifle in hand, and smashed zombie after zombie in the head with it. It made a pretty good club. When she started and surged forward, I was forced back into my seat.
The cowcatcher wasn't knocking them to the side anymore. Now it was actually catching them. Zombies started piling up in front of us. One by one they slipped under the jeep. It was a bumpy road until we reached the blacktop.
Olivia turned left, toward I-50.
"Other way!" I shouted.
She groaned, but made a wide turn that took us off the road, before we were westbound again and back on the road. That road was full of walkers.
"I hate, hate, hate how they come in waves," I said. "Watch out!"
Three of them jumped in front of us. Olivia didn't bother swerving. She drove right through them, on purpose. I think she was a little pissed. I noticed she had a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel. Ralph and I turned our weapons forward and tried to clear as many of them away as possible. She continued to drive over the dead bodies, which kept our speed down.
After a moment she calmed down, and started avoiding the bodies on the road. Our speed picked up to over 30 MPH. Then she turned on the headlights, and we really saw how many zombies were between us and safety.
"Holy crap," she muttered.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes. I'm fine."
"Ralph, what about you?"
"Other than the fact I left my boots back in the house, I'm great," he said.
I looked, and yep. He was barefooted. My boots were untied. Olivia's were also untied, but we had them. That meant we'd have to find him some shoes or boots as soon as we could. Like me, Ralph almost never went barefooted. I knew I couldn't run around outside without shoes without crippling myself.
The zombies were thinning out. Then suddenly we were out of the woods and surrounded by farmland. No zombies to be seen. I relaxed and sighed gustily.
"It doesn't get any easier," Ralph said. "You'd think by now we'd be used to it."
Chapter 4
"If we don't find gas soon we're going to be hoofing it home."
Olivia looked agitated, knuckles white on the steering wheel. I looked at the gas gauge. It was dangerously close to empty. Maybe we shouldn't have passed so many gas stations, but there'd been zombies at every one of them. We'd been forced to use the gas in the jerry cans,