conference room and sat down at the head of the table. His green and scarlet hooded cloak had six golden lightening bolts stitched into the shoulders, three on the right and three on the left. The hood was down and the front open, revealing neatly trimmed hair, mostly gray, and his black on silver silk shirt and trousers. He glanced briefly at the eight rings he wore, drawing attention to them; four on each hand, seven having the emblems of each guild. The eighth and largest of all was the ruby pyramid, representing the office of Grand Maestro, no doubt a reminder, to anyone who deeded it, of his authority.
“This meeting, called by Maestro Barroon, shall come to order,” Efferin stated formally. “Two issues have been raised and shall be dealt with. The Maestro of the Aloe Guild has requested in writing that matters sealed to the Grand Maestro’s office concerning Daniel Benhannon be shared with the Maestros of Aakadon. Maestro Barnes wishes to discuss his official protest over my Silencing of Accomplished Benhannon and I have decided to begin our meeting with this matter. State your case Maestro.”
Terroll took a deep breath. “In hindsight, I see why it was necessary for you to Silence Accomplished Benhannon. His repertoire had been corrupted with spells of the Serpent Guild, and his stated intention upon leaving your office was to sleep until his eyes felt like opening. Given the fact that in the past, in his nightmares, he lashed out with deadly spells, Silencing him was prudent of you to insure all of our safety,” he began, speaking respectfully so as not to prejudice the other Maestros, and to keep from insulting the Grand Maestro. “The danger is gone along with Daniel’s original repertoire. It seems reasonable to me that the Silencing can now be lifted and he be given the opportunity to relearn the hundred forty spells required to be considered an Accomplished. His new repertoire of Melodies would not be corrupted with spells of the Serpent Guild.”
Terroll was pleased at seeing most all of the Maestros nodding their heads, Talmon Reese being the only exception, him sitting with a neutral expression, and hopefully having at least an open mind. Efferin Tames smiled, yet his eyes seemed to be saying, “I know something you don’t know.”
“I concur with Maestro Barnes,” David Svennar spoke up, “and wonder why the Silencing could not have been lifted before the young man departed from our fair city.”
“Accomplished Benhannon has departed, I see no reason to speculate the whys and wherefores,” Lena Beyers added her opinion.
“Here, here,” the Grand Maestro voiced his agreement with her.
The Maestro of the Sun Guild glanced at Efferin and then continued. “I would consider voting to remove the Silencing under the following conditions: Daniel Benhannon must come to Aakadon, agree to learn the required number of Melodies, and choose a guild. Only after obtaining such an agreement should the spell constraining him be removed.”
“I think we are ready to put the matter to a vote,” Janna Barroon stated, perhaps as much to see the Silencing lifted as to get on with the matter of unsealing the restricted information. After all, she had made promises to Terroll and Daniel.
Efferin raised his hand, gaining attention. “Before a ballot is taken, I wish to continue the discussion on the Silencing of Accomplished Benhannon and settle Maestro Barroon’s issue. I have no doubt the Eagle Guild has been keeping a watch on our young unaffiliated Accomplished. Maestro Reese, would you update us on Daniel’s activities?”
Talmon’s eyes met those of everyone at the table and then focused on the Grand Maestro. “Daniel Benhannon traveled from Aakadon to Ducanton, where he was dubbed the twenty-first living Royal Knight of the Realm of Ducaun, granted a jurisdiction, and made a Lord of the Land. He has invested largely in the staffing and particularly the defense of his new holding, especially