a tour?”
Libby nodded. “I’d love one.”
While they walked, memories flooded Libby’s thoughts. Besides the two weeks as a camper at age fourteen, she’d spent too many summers after that as a counselor. When she left, at the start of her sophomore year of college, she never thought to return because her father had been dead set against it. Even now, his main argument replayed in her mind. She’d never done anything else, so how could she know what she wanted. Libby had no answer at the time and quitting had been the hardest thing she’d ever done. Six jobs later, she could finally answer the question more definitively.
Libby hurried to keep up with Doug , at the same time noting her surroundings more closely. At first glance it appeared as if nothing much had changed, but now, the new additions stood out.
“Twin Oaks Farm has been in Sam’s family for over a hundred years,” he said. “His great -great-grandfather started it with two horses back in the 1870s.”
Libby knew all this, but never tired of hearing it. They entered the main stable. Her gaze went directly to the third stall on the right. And there stood Thorpe’s Pride.
At their intrusion, the mare’s head shot up and her nostrils flared.
“I wonder if she remembers you.” Doug strode toward her stall.
The exquisite animal immediately nuzzled her hand when she stepped close enough to hold it out. “Hey there, Pride. It’s good to see you again.” She caressed her nose and rubbed a hand along her sleek neck. “You’re such a beauty.”
“She is that. And big too. Sixteen hands.” He nodded, absently stroking the horse. “Still, she can be stubborn at times.”
Libby leaned in close and whispered, “Are you giving these nice people a hard time, Pride?”
Doug laughed. “Sam usually does most of her handling because when she does get a burr up her butt, she’s a handful. If it were up to me, I’d get rid of her. I think she knows it, too.”
“Oh, Pride. I can’t believe you’ve become such a naughty girl.” Libby turned back to Doug. “I’m sure I can still handle her.” She’d never had trouble in the past, though, a twinge of guilt tugged on her heartstring s for never visiting the horse in all this time. The two shared something special. Libby had been present at her birth; even helped train her. Yet, as much as she missed Pride, returning would have been too painful.
“If anyone can handle her, that’d be you. She’s always had a soft spot for you.” Doug continued rubbing her neck. “She’s just finicky. She’s definitely happy to see you. It’ll be nice to have help. Hell, we both know Sam will never part with her. He loves her. Besides, Pride has also become quite the mare for breeding and too valuable. Never hurts to be a direct descendant of Aristide, the first Derby winner back in 1875.” Doug stopped talking, then looked over at Libby and blushed. “Sorry, I forgot you already know all that. Don’t know why I’m rattling on. Habit, I guess.”
Libby smiled. “That’s OK, I don’t mind.”
“Well , good, because I’m likely to repeat a lot of information. Anyway, back to Pride. Sam doesn’t race her. He quit all that back when he started the camp, but her foals add to the farm’s income. Sam runs her daily, which gives her a chance to show us she knows what she was bred for.” He let go of the horse and faced her. “Well? Have I convinced you yet?”
She indicated Pride with her nod. “Brought out the big guns, huh? You didn’t need her. I was ready to sign on the minute I drove up the gravel road.”
“Great. There’s more to see. Then I’ll need to get to work.” He turned to leave. “When can you start?”
“Not for two weeks.” Libby stroked Pride one more time and whispered good -bye before catching up with Doug. “I still have to give a notice. I can be here after work and on my days off, if that’s OK?”
“I’ll take any time I can get. Just let me know your
Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins