Lux,” Mors fires back.
I think I am suffering with a major problem or side-effect after gaining Jo’s memories as once again my mind loses its focus. These three dragons who have raised me to protect an entire world’s population by keeping the peace are telling me more or less I need to go to the world I have never been to, find two innocent people, and murder them or have them murder me. My sisters have literally done nothing wrong, and the notion of killing them goes against everything I have been taught thus far. Either they or I must die simply because we all exist at the same time. That is complete and utter shit!
I must have become pretty pale because it does not take long for the three brothers to stop their conversation and check on me. “I can’t kill them,” I manage to blurt out after Jenesis gives me a slight nudge on the shoulder. Just thinking about the level of pain I will experience if I had to know what it felt like to die at my own hands is enough to make me want to lie down. However, it’s not like I want to be the one who actually dies either. I’m starting to wish the dragons never made me anchor, so I could be in Nilohm completely oblivious to this situation.
Oran is trying to make me feel better by offering me a different solution. I can get my two sisters to work together, but it will be difficult. Realistically he doubts I can do it, but I do feel a little better. It is an option I had not realized I had. If I convince Grace and Adira to help me, none of us will die. I actually feel a bit better until Jenesis opens his mouth and crushes my little light of hope.
“More like impossible,” he put bluntly. “Grace and Adira are currently fighting an all-out war against each other. You expect them to drop everything and work together?”
Now I am really confused because I do not understand how my sisters can possibly be fighting. The fact the daughters of life and death are clashing does not actually faze me. That makes perfect sense, as they are two direct opposites of part of the balance. The question really is how do they know the other exists? None of my deceased sisters ever crossed paths because they were placed on different ends of the world, and I assume that is the case for Adira and Grace. This was done to prevent my sisters from directly fighting each other, to ensure they lived long enough to learn useful skills and lessons.
My face scrunches creating several long wrinkles along my forehead as I attempt to comprehend how the daughters of life and death came to know each other. Jenesis sees this and further explains that while the two know of each other, they do not know their purpose. Their paths crossed because Sethos’s dark forces have forced them to collide. Grace has moved into a part of the world she was never expected to enter.
As if getting Grace and Adira to work together is not already going to be hard enough, Jenesis continues to beat every little glimmer of wishful thinking I have out of me. He reminds me both of my sisters still believe they are normal, relatively speaking, which makes this much more difficult for me. If they don’t know who they are, chances are they are not going to believe a total stranger telling them a tale as unbelievable as being created by dragons to help safeguard a world. “So what do I do?” I desperately ask Oran. I’d greatly appreciate any advice.
Mors is the one to respond, and he says nothing that provides any guidance or alleviates my spirit. Essentially there are three options for me. I either kill my sisters, have my sisters kill me, or perform a miracle for the ages and get them to work together. He explains killing them provides the most direct route to ceasing Sethos’s advances. Getting my sisters to get along and learning to fight together takes time, and Nilohm does not have much of it to spare. While he believes it is impossible for me to succeed without killing Grace or Adira, the dragon of death does admit it