advantage and portray it as a passionate dance between two opposing instruments.
“Therefore,” Robert continued, pausing and breathing deeply, “Ms. Jackie Ortiz will be joining Ms. McClintock in the third movement. You will both be working closely with Mr. Mulroney and Maestro Gallo to figure out the logistics. I realize this means extra work for both of you, but I trust you are both capable. I will also need to speak to both of you about the extra press we will be doing.”
With that, Robert, Melissa, and Michael ( the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse , Shannon decided in that moment) all swiftly walked back out of the single metal door, leaving the orchestra murmuring at the exciting and slightly terrifying new change.
Shannon lowered her head and breathed in deeply, willing her body to calm down and her mind to stop racing. When she lifted her head again she was met with Jackie’s miraculous, captivating smile.
Shannon paced outside the producers’ office, absolutely livid. She tried to regulate her breathing and must have counted to ten at least five times by now.
“You can come in, Ms. McClintock,” Robert’s voice boomed from inside.
She walked in brusquely and was surprised to see not just the producers, but also Mulroney and Gallo.
“Please, Shannon, have a seat,” Melissa nodded to the spare chair. “We would just like to talk to you briefly about the situation, specifically the extra press we will be doing with you and Jackie.”
“Seriously? You only want to talk to me about the press?”
The other four glanced at each other, before Robert answered.
“Well, what would you like to talk about?”
“I’d like some say in the matter!”
“It’s really not your decision, Ms. McClintock, but we’ll humor you,” Robert conceded, not really wanting to piss off the angry concertmaster further. “What is it exactly that concerns you?”
“Oh, wow, where do I begin? First of all, how could you not tell me ahead of time? You just blindsided me in there in front of all my colleagues, completely undermining my position in the orchestra!”
Robert and Melissa had the decency to look slightly guilty. “You’re right, Shannon, we should have given you some notice, but we had just hours before found out that Michael here was joining our team and we were so excited, it must have just slipped our minds,” Robert answered.
“Slipped your minds ?! It just slipped your minds to tell the soloist that her career-making solo was being ripped out of her hands? And given to some unprofessional newcomer?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Shannon! We aren’t taking it away from you. And Jackie Ortiz is by no means unprofessional. Maybe she’s new to this ensemble, but she is one of the most talented cellists to grace these halls, and you know it!” It was Maestro Gallo who spoke this time, with much less refinement than Robert and Melissa. He cared very little about whom he offended.
“Fine, whatever, but I highly doubt our usual patrons are going to go for this bastardization of such a revered work. Tchaikovsky would be rolling over in his grave!” Shannon started raising her voice. “No offense,” she added more quietly, braving a glance to Michael, who had yet to weigh in on this debate.
“Oh please, don’t pretend you’re such a traditionalist. You are always barging into this office with new, innovative ways to perform concerts. You said yourself just a few weeks ago that our concerts were the same thing year after year. So now because it doesn’t suit you, you’re all of a sudden opposed to change?”
Shannon knew she was fighting an unwinnable battle, yet she pressed on.
“Yes, you know why? Because this was my solo, this is something I have been working towards for years. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life!”
“Well, I’ve got news for you, Shannon,” Robert spoke at a normal level, but with a commanding presence,