ignite this blood on fire."
The response was immediate. She saw a flame ignite the blood that she had first poured out and the fire continued to burn, following its path until it was all consumed.
Nicole was wide awake now. She knew that God was teaching her about another key from His arsenal. Blood and fire.
In her natural mind, it didn't make sense. Blood didn't burn did it? This blood had ignited and burned like the little bit of old gasoline that Jake and the boys had poured out in a line along the driveway and ignited one time years ago.
But then, Jesus' blood was not ordinary blood. It was power, it was love, it was cleansing, it was redemption, it was healing, it was freedom for the captive and captivity for the enemy.
And the Holy Spirit's fire was not ordinary fire. It was power, it was purification, it was destruction of the old and creation of the new, it brought beauty out of ashes, it provided supernatural wisdom, discernment and intervention.
And why did she see the bucket in her left hand instead of her right? She suddenly knew that her right hand needed to be free to hold the Sword, and to be available for service. The bucket in her left hand, her free hand, let her know that she was to carry the blood of Jesus and pour it out everywhere, all the time.
"Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, please show me where you want me to walk today," Nicole prayed.
The phone rang and she assumed it was Casie. They usually talked early in the morning.
"Hey girl, I think God wants us to open up prayer time to others in our community. We need revival here so badly. What do you think?" Casie asked.
Nicole smiled at Casie's enthusiastic spirit. "Good morning to you too," she yawned.
"Oh I'm sorry. You know me, when I get something in my mind I just tend to jump right in."
"I'm teasing you. I'm glad you called, because the Lord just told me something that might be confirmation."
Nicole poured herself a cup of coffee while she explained the vision that had woken her up. "I think that the more people we get pouring out the blood of Jesus, the better! As for today, I was just thinking about going up to the church and pouring out the blood there. You want to join me?"
Casie agreed, and several hours later, after they had walked around the outside of the church property and inside the sanctuary, they sat down and asked the Holy Spirit to come and set the blood on fire.
After speaking with the pastor, two weeks later, the church was opened on Tuesday nights throughout the summer for prayer over Samaria. The first night, eight people and the Holy Spirit showed up.
It didn't go quite as they had planned, of course. Instead of praying for the community, the Holy Spirit began to convict their own hearts, and a spirit of repentance broke out among them. It made sense. True revival had to be built on integrity and hearts that were right with God before they could effectively pray for others.
James 5:16 came to Nicole's mind. "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
The Holy Spirit also led them to read Mark 7:5-23. "This people honors Me with their lips, But their hear is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men… . Hear Me, everyone, and understand: There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man."
They were engaging a key of protection through repentance and relationship with Jesus. Nicole recognized this as the Breastplate of Righteousness. Intercession for others would involve spiritual warfare, and because they would be sure targets for the enemy, they needed to be properly outfitted, spiritually protected.
The following week twelve people came and as they began to worship, the same thing