outside walls of one entire floor from asirium. The Aurora was spherical and the Asirium Hall wrapped around the whole station. You could walk for hundreds of miles with an ever-changing view of space. It’s something I definitely planned on doing tonight since we wouldn’t be leaving until the morning.
When the transport ship docked and Kayin and I boarded The Aurora, we were both speechless. All we could do is look at each other and point at everything. It became very apparent that the ACI was far more advanced than the public and our government. The Capital was amazing… but nothing like this. Walking through the doors onto The Aurora was almost like stepping through a portal into the future. If the cities outside the protected zone saw this, it would surely provoke another war.
We followed the group to the north side of the Asirium Hall. It was one of the most incredible things I had ever experienced… The asirium was so clear that it gave the effect of actually walking in space. I was lucky I didn’t bump into anyone or trip; I couldn’t keep my eyes forward as we made our way to the orientation area. The only way I could describe it was hypnotizing and when I looked over at Kayin, I could tell he felt the same way.
When we all made it to the orientation room there was already a man standing at the podium waiting to speak. He was obviously ex militia and probably pushing 60. He looked intensely serious… like he had been through a lot.
He cleared his throat and began to speak – “I am Commander Neros, and I would like to start by congratulating all of you, as you are now officially members of the Aeris Coalition of Intelligence… From the moment you entered this station, everything you see and hear must be considered as classified. From the moment you enter your assigned ship, The Sirius 7, everything you see and hear is classified. Does everyone understand?” We all replied “Yes.”
Commander Neros stated “All the ships at the ACI have been named The Sirius because they are our greatest hope to once again find something that could change the world forever… This mission will be potentially deadly and quite possibly unsuccessful, but you’re all here because you know it’s worth the risk. We must no longer stand by and watch the rest of the world suffer, simply because we have the technology to help ourselves. Otherwise we are no better than the men who destroyed the atmosphere through industry so long ago. I have faith that we will correct their mistakes, and that all of us will return as the saviors of humanity”… After hearing his words I knew that I truly was in the right place, and that I would never regret my decision.
Just as Commander Neros finished, another man stood up and proceeded to take the podium. – “Hello everyone, I am Director Orion. I’m basically in charge of The Aurora, once you get into space, Commander Neros will be who you answer to… The Sirius 7 will be leaving tomorrow morning, before then please take the time to see what The Aurora has to offer… Best of luck to all of you, please know you have my utmost respect for your efforts and courage… Oh yes… All technicians report to area 17 in the west wing for technology orientation. I promise you will all be very intrigued by our new creations.”
I looked over at Kayin and I could tell he was excited. He said “Oh this is going to be great! I can only imagine what kind of classified tech these guys have. You know I drool over this stuff Atlas… I’m outta here, I’ll come find you as soon as I’m done.” He slapped the back of my head and took off running… I’d get him back.
I walked back out into the Asirium Hall and continued to gaze at the stars for quite some time. Then I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye – “Amazing isn’t it?” I replied “Yes it is… I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to stop looking.” He put out his hand and said “My name is Cyrus, I’m the head of