The Seraphina Donavan Collection: Contemporary

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Book: The Seraphina Donavan Collection: Contemporary Read Free
Author: Seraphina Donavan
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back to the television, he sipped his beer. It didn’t stop him from stealing glances at her though, or thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to at least go over and say hello.
    Lexi was working on her second beer. She’d acquired just enough of a buzz, so that the band only sucked and wasn’t causing her actual physical pain. She held up her glass. “Another one of these and I might even be able to dance to this.”
    Brent frowned. “Hell, if it’ll make these guys sound better, I’ll drink straight from the tap.”
    “Wouldn’t be the first time,” Lexi joked with a laugh.
    Ashley leaned over and whisper-shouted, “He’s looking over here again!”
    Lexi blushed. “Stop it! It’s probably weird for him to see you all here!”
    Ashley threw up her hands. “It’s not me he’s looking at! He’s watching you like he wants to take a bite out of you...and I know that look from experience.”
    Lexi cringed visibly. “Oh, well that’s just gross!”
    Ashley rolled her eyes. “Not personal experience with him, you dip! Brent looks at me like that.”
    Lexi made vomiting noises. “I’m not sure which is worse.”
    Ashley made cutting motions across her throat and gave a less than subtle jerk of her head.
    “He’s coming this way, isn’t he?” Lexi whispered.
    “He’s kinda already here.”
    Shit. Shit. Shit. Turning, Lexi pasted a smile on her face.
    Morgan stood a couple of feet from the table, looking momentarily uncertain of whether or not he wanted to take the last few steps.
    Brent took the decision out of his hands. He stood up and pulled Morgan into a bear hug. “It’s damned good to see you, man!”
    Lexi watched Morgan’s face, noticing how uncomfortable he looked. “Come on, Brent, let the man sit down!”
    Brent stepped back, his eyes looking suspiciously moist. “Yeah. Sit. Let me get you a beer.”
    Morgan lifted his bottle. “I’m good. I’ve sort of hit my limit. I just wanted to say hey, before heading out.”
    “Aw, no! Come on. Hang out, dude. It’s been too long!”
    Lexi scooted over in the booth as the only empty seat was beside her. The booths were small, and his thigh brushed against hers. She felt the spark and when she saw him tense, his jaw firming, she wondered if he felt it too.
    Brent kept talking, nervously, but he kept at it, “So, tell me what the hell you’ve been up to? Married, kids?”
    Morgan shook his head. “No. Just the Army. Didn’t leave much time for settling down.”
    Lexi knew there was more to it. She didn’t know how, but it was like she could feel the tension in him. He obviously didn’t want to talk about his past. She kicked Brent under the table.
    Brent glared at her as he continued, “Surely, there’s some special lady? I’ve never known Morgan Donnelly not to have women chasing him down!” At that point, Brent let out a whoosh of air as Ashley elbowed him in the ribs.
    “I want to dance.”
    Brent looked at her. “You hate dancing here. The music is awful.”
    She raised her eyebrows and her voice in equal measure. “I want to dance, Brent. I want to dance, now. Get your ass up and head to the dance floor.”
    Lexi watched them go.
    Brent looked like a scolded puppy and Ashley was shaking her head.
    Embarrassment crept in as Lexi peeked at Morgan from the corner of her eye. “They’re not exactly subtle.”
    He chuckled. “No. Ashley wouldn’t know what subtle was if it bit her on the ass and Brent...well, he’s a good guy, but he doesn’t do subtext.”
    “My sister has this crazy idea that you’re interested in me. I told her that she’s being—”
    “Why would you think that’s a crazy idea?”
    Lexi blushed. “Well, I mean—it’s just...There’s no way to explain it that sounds good.”
    “You’re wrong...not about the explanation part, but about the it being a crazy idea part.”
    She knew she was blinking at him like a damn guppy, but she couldn’t stop. “It isn’t?”
    He gazed right at her

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