The Reversal

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Book: The Reversal Read Free
Author: Michael Connelly
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Williams raised his hands for calm in the room.
    “One at a time, people. Let’s start with you.”
    He pointed to a woman sitting in the first row. I could not remember her name but I knew she worked for the Times . Williams knew his priorities.
    “Kate Salters from the Times, ” she said helpfully. “Can you tell us how you came to the decision to prosecute Jason Jessup again after DNA evidence cleared him of the crime?”
    Before coming into the room, Williams had told me that he would handle the announcement and all questions unless specifically addressed to me. He made it clear that this was going to be his show. But I decided to make it clear from the outset that it was going to be my case.
    “I’ll answer that,” I said as I leaned toward the lectern and the microphones. “The DNA test conducted by the Genetic Justice Project only concluded that the bodily fluid found on the victim’s clothing did not come from Jason Jessup. It did not clear him of involvement in the crime. There is a difference. The DNA test only provides additional information for a jury to consider.”
    I straightened back up and caught Williams giving me a don’t-fuck-with-me stare.
    “Whose DNA was it?” someone called out.
    Williams quickly leaned forward to answer.
    “We’re not answering questions about evidence at this time.”
    “Mickey, why are you taking the case?”
    The question came from the back of the room, from behind the lights, and I could not see the owner of the voice. I moved back to the microphones, angling my body so Williams had to step back.
    “Good question,” I said. “It’s certainly unusual for me to be on the other side of the aisle, so to speak. But I think this is the case to cross over for. I’m an officer of the court and a proud member of the California bar. We take an oath to seek justice and fairness while upholding the Constitution and laws of this nation and state. One of the duties of a lawyer is to take a just cause without personal consideration to himself. This is such a cause. Someone has to speak for Melissa Landy. I have reviewed the evidence in this case and I think I’m on the right side of this one. The measure is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I think that such proof exists here.”
    Williams moved in and put a hand on my arm to gently move me off the microphone stand.
    “We do not want to go any further than that in regard to the evidence,” he said quickly.
    “Jessup’s already spent twenty-four years in prison,” Salters said. “Anything less than a conviction for first-degree murder and he will probably walk on time served. Mr. Williams, is it really worth the expense and effort of retrying this man?”
    Before she was finished asking the question, I knew she and Williams had a deal working. She lobbed softballs and he hit them out of the park, looking good and righteous on the eleven o’clock news and in the morning paper. Her end of the deal would come with inside scoops on the evidence and trial strategy. I decided in that moment that it was my case, my trial, my deal .
    “None of that matters,” I said loudly from my position to the side.
    All eyes turned to me. Even Williams turned.
    “Can you talk into the microphones, Mickey?”
    It was the same voice from behind the line of lights. He knew to call me Mickey. I once again moved to the microphones, boxing Williams out like a power forward going for the rebound.
    “The murder of a child is a crime that must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, no matter what the possibilities or risks are. There is no guarantee of victory here. But that was not part of the decision. The measure is reasonable doubt and I believe we surpass that. We believe that the totality of evidence shows that this man committed this horrible crime and it doesn’t matter how much time has gone by or how long he has been incarcerated. He must be prosecuted.
    “I have a daughter only a little older than Melissa was…. You know,

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