said flippantly, “you don’t look too shabby yourself.” In fact he looked absolutely gorgeous in dark trousers and a crisp, white open neck shirt, but Alison was too shy to say so. Thankfully Dominic took her arm as they walked down the path to his car. He opened the door for her and waited until she was seated comfortably before taking his place behind the wheel of the big black Mercedes. Alison settled back in her seat for the hour long drive to their destination. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” asked Dominic. “No, but I’m going to anyway,” she said with more confidence than she felt. “Just don’t leave without me.” “Of course I won’t.” They made good time and in less than an hour they were pulling into the courtyard and parking at the end of a line of cars. One or two were very expensive but generally they were run-of-the-mill family salon cars. Dominic got out and ran round to open Alison’s door. How very chivalrous thought Alison, it’s a shame he can’t be my partner for the night; I’m not sure I really want to swap.
Chapter 4
After Jenny had left them to answer the door they each picked up a glass of red wine from the silver tray set on the long hall table. Dominic took Alison’s hand and led her into a large drawing room. They stood together sipping their wine just inside the door; she thought it was the perfect place to check out the other guests without seeming too obvious. More people were arriving and the elegant room was filling up quickly, although it wasn’t yet too crowded. Alison scanned the intimately lit room quickly hoping no-one noticed she was checking them out. As she had not known what to expect, she was interested to see that everyone looked normal; just like the people she saw going into the local wine bar when she was on her way to the highlight of her social life, the monthly book club evening. They were not rolling about on the floor naked nor were they dressed head to toe in leather, carrying whips, bottom beaters or bondage stuff. There were no handcuffs or chains peeping out from handbags or pockets and no-one wore a leather mask. If you had just wandered in you would never have known why all these people were here. It looked just like a casual cocktail party – if there was such a thing. But maybe they were all staying the weekend and had that sort of stuff packed in their overnight bags or possibly she was suffering from an over active imagination and it was just straight sex that people came for. It made her smile to think how ridiculous she would look in a figure hugging leather bodysuit and thigh high leather boots; she was definitely not joining that club! One of the two comfy looking sofas placed either side of the large marble fireplace had four people squashed onto it who were chatting easily to each other. The other was occupied by just one couple, their body language suggesting they weren’t entirely comfortable with the situation. Alison thought maybe it was their first time too because they looked just like she felt; embarrassed, unsure and nervous. The eight chairs round the highly polished oval table at the far end of the large room were already occupied by a variety of people who were busy drinking wine and gossiping like old friends. Interestingly there were five women and three men. So, thought Alison, it is not just couples who come to these events, I really have led a very sheltered life. It was vaguely unsettling because she had been under the impression that everyone simply exchanged partners. Wasn’t a swingers party just another name for wife swapping? Obviously, thought Alison, things have moved on since I first heard of wife swapping parties. The heavy damask curtains were drawn together across the large window to shut out the light of the warm summer evening, making the room glow with the dimmed lighting and scented candles dotted around the room. There were four more people by the grand