our surveillance on all the people, and products that are coming into the country. We intercept a lot of dangerous people and potentially deadly plots against the country, all the time. No more St. Patrick’s massacres. I even asked the CIA, FBI, and NSA to evaluate their success in stopping the threats and I can tell you I was a little disconcerted to learn the number is not 100 percent.”
“So we are more vulnerable than the general public knows,” asked Jacob?
“Correct,” said Sampson. “It does. As I’ve watched the country evolve over the past few years, I’ve always hoped our clear policy of providing aid instead of arms would finally be making a difference.”
“It’s making a difference all right,” said Arcadia, “we’re in greater danger now than ever.”
Success breeds envy, and envy breeds resentment, and resentment was causing unrest and hatred among others. The honeymoon of good will and global tranquility was ending. As America continued to glow, the rest of the world was growing decidedly unlovely.
The meeting was held in Qom in Iran. Actually there were only a half dozen men, very carefully chosen men, to meet in secret and review the final planning of a plan that was years in development.
The meeting began with a prayer from an Iranian mullah, “Mighty Allah, whose prophet on earth is Mohammad, and we declare is the true authority of Heaven. May our jihad in your name be blessed and may the Great Satan of America and it’s heresy of your truth be stricken and all of the infidels of that unholy land perish in the fires of destruction you have decreed us to unleash.”
An Iranian government official began the discussion. “In just a few years, the United States has undergone a religious transformation and today the radical Christian, New Revolution Party controls the entire country. They’ve accomplished a great deal in that period of time. They’ve led the world in the development of new technology and improved products of all kinds. Their universities are now the most effective seats of higher learning anywhere on the planet. The Americans have capitalized on all their own energy sources in oil, natural gas, and coal. They’re now independent of any need to import foreign oil. What’s more, they’ve developed a space-based solar array that is beaming energy to the country and is rapidly replacing their need for any oil whatsoever. They have streamlined their government, and their economy is now expanding at no less than 7 percent a year with 10 percent being the projection in the next five years. They have virtually no debt, and full employment. Fortunately, the rest of the world still needs our oil, so production has not declined, but the price of oil has fallen drastically and is affecting the economy of the principal oil exporting countries.”
“We already know all that,” said the another official. “On the surface these developments can be applauded. The world’s economy has dramatically improved as a result. However, along with the improved economy came a resurgence of religious zealotry on the part of the Americans. This fanatical dedication to Jesus is being exported by the Americans to nations everywhere. They publically say they’re only interested in improving the lives of needy people and countries, but they’re preaching their religion relentlessly. I’m ashamed to admit that many Muslims, especially in countries who are benefitted the most from American aid, have turned their backs on the true faith, and embraced Christianity.”
“My brothers,” said the Iranian mullah, “we cannot stand by and allow the Great Satan