as to why Beth had any feelings of victory since it was such a light punch. It couldn’t have been that simple. All she could do was stand there and see if Beth comes out of her stupid rant. Come on, it was more of a tap than a fighting punch. Lacy almost felt sorry for her not knowing she had just been stabbed in the chest with a steak knife.
A stinging sensation started on the left side of Lacy’s chest followed by a feeling of warm water being poured down her shirt. Her thoughts slowly drifted to incoherence. As if in a dream state, she thought wet t-shirt contests were sleazy and looked around the room for the bastard who threw water on her. She then reached toward the table to grab a napkin. But suddenly, much like hitting the button on a TV remote and switching the channel, the napkin she was reaching for turned into the blades of a ceiling fan . Funny, how did that fan get there? Where are the napkins? Am I on the floor again?
An overwhelming need to close her eyes filled her as her body felt heavy on the floor. But only for a few seconds! Lacy was comfortable, as if she was lying in her own bed; yet cold without her sheets. The desire to fall asleep grew with the seconds. It was an urge like hunger or thirst. She was lying on her back while facing the ceiling fan that had cooled her burger faster than she would have liked. Lacy shut her eyes still unaware that Beth had stabbed her, and that her heart was bleeding out through a hole in her chest. I just need a few seconds to get my strength back and then I will kick that ass proper!
Lacy died four minutes later.
One c op
The silence on the r adio today didn’t strike him as odd. Seems like all the turds decided to take a lunch break . Eat your heart out motherfuckers! Yet Bentley couldn’t help but to notice that people were driving more aggressively than usual. Back when he used to patrol the graveyard shift, he always saw aggressive driving, especially on Friday or Saturday nights. Stupid stunts fueled by competitive testosterone, or some kid trying to impress friends in his Dad’s truck. During dayshift, it was a different. No use of a turn signal to switch lanes or signaling a turn so that the driver behind them doesn’t ram into their rear end. Another was the impatient drivers running red lights while rushing to or from work. Or it was the crazy lunch.
Pure irresponsibility. Everyday someone gets a steering wheel planted in their face or a gets a sissy neck. Just because you think it was your turn and you wouldn’t let that other car get in front? Who do you think you are? Are you royalty, the Pope, or Santa Clause? Let it go if the mall Santa hugged you too much as a kid! Too many people willing to loose a couple of grand, or their life, in order to shave off a few seconds of drive time. YOU GET THERE WHEN YOU GET THERE, BE PATIENT AND ENJOY YOUR LIVES BITCHES!!! I bet Almeda’s is going to be packed today. That restaurant is a diamond ring in a sewer of shit. I really hate the area. Too much crime yet the potbellies from downtown come here day after day for Almeda’s famous greasy burgers. Hell, Maybe it’s just one of those days. I’ll keep my eyes open and alert in case tensions get worse. It’s funny though; usually people would be mindful of when a cop pulls next to them . But today, all these bastards happen to be making phone calls and texting. Not even looking up to see a cop driving next to them. Idiots are multiplying in large numbers today!
Like most cops, Bentley thinks that a law against cell phone use while driving is way ov erdue. He has worked scenes covered in blood and charred metal due to someone on a cell phone while driving. But it seems that no one cares unless it happens to them. Senseless death; was that text really that important? Was that text a life or death situation? Can’t you wait until you get where you are going before facefucking or facebooking or twatting? Oops, tweeting. You act like you might miss