& foreign mkt. place by continuous deficit spending, easy credit, & growing unfavorable balance of payments in the international ledger of the U.S.; the free enterprise system shackled by organized labor & a govt.-managed economy; the govt. transmuted into a [welfare] it subsidized from Wash. & spoiled generations young to old led to expect the govt. to provide for all their wants, free of any of the requirements of responsible citizenship. Vladimir Lenin
T he way to take over a country is to debauch the currency. Through a continuous policy of inflation a govt. can quietly & unobservedly confiscate the wealth of its citizens. Calvin Coolidge
T he Nat. which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten. Paul McCracken on Pub. Debt
I f we carry the arithmetic of projected savings flows & probable financing in ’75 to its logical end we arrive at the interesting conclusion that the savings stream might well fall some short of what will then be required for financing.
E conomists traditionally have tended to ignore these financial questions, but pressure in the cap. mkts. during the last few years remind us about the need to bring together savings & investment or savers & borrowers in an orderly way through the cap. mkts. Randolph E. Paul, Under Sec.—Treasury—“Taxation For Prosperity” p. 217
T he point is that taxes may be imposed, wholly apart from the revenue-producing qualities, to achieve desired effects on particular occasions . . . On this higher level taxes may be used to express public policy on the distribution of wealth & income; progressive income & estate taxes perform this function. They may be used to subsidize or penalize particular industries and econ. groups. Late Sumner Slichter Hvd.
T he tax hist. of the U.S. in recent years has been fairly sensational. A visitor from Mars would suspect that a communist 5th columnist was writing the laws for the purpose of making private enterprise unworkable. William Gladstone 100 Years after Our Constitution
I consider the const. to be the more remarkable political advance ever accomplished one time by the human intellect. Anonymous
W hen the courts sub. their will for that of the legis. appealing to what ought to be law when they can find no law & what ought to be the const. when that document itself gives not the slightest justification for asserting the new prin. then we have reached the end of the road. Will Rogers
W e will never get anywhere with our finances till we pass a law saying that every time we appropriate something we got to pass another bill along with it stating where the money is coming from. Nation Magazine Letter from Woman Who Fled Poland Before Martial Law
A mong many of our American born friends it is not fashionable to be enthusiastic about Am. There is Vietnam, drugs, urban & racial conflict, poverty & pollution. Undoubtedly this country faces urgent & serious problems. But we newcomers see not only the problems but also democratic solutions being sought & applied. I love Am. because people accept me for what I am. They don’t question my ancestry, my faith, my pol. beliefs. When I want to move from one place to another I don’t have to ask permission. When I need a needle I go to the nearest store & get one. I don’t have to stand in line for hours to buy a piece of tough fat meat. Even with inflation I don’t have to pay a day’s earnings for a small chicken. I love Am. because Am. trusts me. I don’t have to show an identity card to buy a pair of shoes. My mail isn’t censored, my phone isn’t tapped, my conversation with friends isn’t reported to the secret police. Letter I Received from Cub Scout
I love America because you can join Cub Scouts if you want to. You have a right to worship as you please. Mark Hawley, Seattle, Wash.
I f you have the ability you can try to be anything you want to be. I also like Am. because we have about 200 flavors of ice cream. Ted Sorensen Decision in The