his mouth with his hand
and yawned, then lowered the window to let some fresh air in, but smelt only
pungent exhaust fumes.
According to the dashboard clock, it was seven o’clock. He
should have been home by now, but a problem at work and a traffic jam a few
miles back conspired against him. He glanced in the rear view mirror, saw blue
eyes ringed black and his curly hair looking more wayward than usual.
The passenger door suddenly opened and a cold draft of air filled
the vehicle, followed by the musty smell of an unwashed body.
“Good of you to stop,” a middle-aged man said as he threw a
rucksack into the back and clambered into the passenger seat. “I’ve been trying
to get a lift for hours.”
Daniel stared at the man, surprised. “I … erm.” He took a breath
to compose himself. “I’m sorry, but I think you’ve made a mistake. I stopped to
take a rest, not to pick you up.”
“Well, now that I’m in.” He shrugged and took a packet of
cigarettes from the breast pocket of his dirty green army jacket. “You don’t
mind if I smoke.” It sounded more like an order than a question.
“Yes, I bloody do. Now get out.”
The man turned and glared at Daniel, cigarette drooping from the
corner of his mouth. His pinched features gave the impression of a weasel, a
facet accentuated by his brown ponytail, and for the first time, Daniel felt a
moment of panic.
Despite Daniel’s request, the man lit the cigarette.
“Look, I said I didn’t want you smoking. Now get out of my car.”
“It’s not technically a car,” the man said.
“I won’t tell you again.”
“This is a truck – makes you feel like a right stud I bet.”
Realising the man wasn’t going to leave, Daniel leaned across and
opened the passenger door, his head almost in the man’s lap. Despite trying not
to breathe, the smell of body odour was powerful enough to taste.
“And how much do you charge for a blowjob?” the man asked as
Daniel sat back up.
“Just get out.” He turned to retrieve the man’s backpack, but the
man grabbed his arm and jabbed the cigarette on the inside of his wrist. The
glowing tip sizzled against his flesh and he let out a little scream and yanked
his hand away.
“What the hell are you doing?” he said as he rubbed the afflicted
area. The air smelled faintly of burned flesh and singed hair.
The man sucked on his cigarette, exhaled and said, “That’s my
property. You don’t touch it. Understand? Now drive.”
Daniel shook his head. “You’re crazy. Just get out of my truck.”
“I won’t tell you again, drive.”
“The hell I will. Now I’m asking – no, I’m telling you to get
The man flicked ash over the dashboard. He grinned laconically.
“You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that, but if you want to keep them, I’d
suggest you drive.”
Daniel tried to swallow through his constricted throat. He turned
the ignition off and opened the driver’s door to step out. “Well, you can sit
there all day. I’m not driving anywhere.”
He swung his legs out, but the man grabbed his arm again. “I’ve
got a date with destiny, and I don’t want to be late.”
“You can’t order me around, now get your filthy hand off me and
get out.”
The man squeezed harder and Daniel flinched. He bit his lip
against the pain and reached across to prise the man’s fingers apart, but his
grip was too strong.
“If you don’t let go, then I’m going to punch you. Now let go.”
The man laughed; reached into a jacket pocket. “I warned you,” he
Daniel watched as the man pulled out a short, sharp blade. He
gulped and his heart did a crazy little dance. This was unbelievable.
“Now just shut the door, start the truck and drive.”
Realising it would be foolish – perhaps even fatal – to say no,
Daniel did as he was asked. The man pulled his own door shut and Daniel turned
the ignition key, bringing the engine to life with a rumble.
“I’m supposed to be home
Jessica Deborah; Nelson Allie; Hale Winnie; Pleiter Griggs