soon after they returned from their holiday. She said he had ordered it some time ago but the chap who was going to fit it was going on holiday just before they were and that he would fit it when they came home”.
“I feel uneasy about all these break-ins that have happened lately and the fact that the police seem unable to catch the offenders, makes me feel even more worried, John commented. Still they say lightening doesn’t strike in the same place twice”, he said trying to reassure his wife and himself.
The break-in down the road had all the hallmarks of the same gang that had burgled other properties in the town and elsewhere. The family had lost most of their small valuable possessions, jewellery, trinkets and ornaments. Some of the items stolen were small pocket size electrical items, these included children’s games and the like.
John couldn’t help thinking how the family would feel on their return from their holiday in a few days time. They had not been contacted as far as he knew from talking to other neighbours. This would be one hell of a shock for them.
The neighbourhood watch had been assured that patrols by the police would be stepped up some time ago but this had not deterred the burglars from their aim.
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“These items are not too valuable”, observed the ‘Fence’ as he checked over the selection of stolen goods that lay in front of him.
“Some of them have hallmarks on them”, pointed out the gang leader whose job it was to bring the takings to the ‘Fence’ .
“Just because its silver doesn’t mean I can sell it quickly or at high prices, I need to shift this stuff as sharply as I can, if it isn’t it could be traced back to me and then we will all be in the dock” he reminded his collaborator.
“Ok, just give me what you think there’re worth”, the gang leader retorted hastily, for he wanted to get home to bed as his night had been a long one and he still had to make arrangements with the rest of the gang for the next hoist.
When he finally reached home his wife was ready to leave for work.
“Where have you been all night”, she inquired of him.
“If you want to know I’ve been playing cards with some mates, he lied.
The children were putting on their clothes ready to be dropped off at their Nan’s. She would have them during the holidays as no one could predict what their father would be up to if they were left at home. It seemed that a phone call would send him off with no word as to where he was going or when he would return.
His relationship with his two daughters was virtually non existent. The only occasions he would spend time with them was if a childminder couldn’t be found, which would be mostly other members of the family.
His family consisted of his hard working wife Sandra who worked for social services as a home help, his two daughters, Julie the eldest and Rachel who was a year younger than Julie, who was twelve.
Sandra had by now given up on trying to make their marriage work since he went into prison. His mother and father had disowned him and wanted nothing to do with him as he had bought shame on the family name. They did continue to help Sandra and would help her whenever they could. This sometimes meant having the girls if their other Nan couldn’t. If Rodger, Sandra’s husband had to pick them up he would have to wait outside. Never again would he be allowed to cross their threshold they had told him because his stint in prison had given the family a bad name in the neighbourhood.
Neither of the children had a loving relationship with their father. They had both tried but were invariably knocked back as he never knew how to show love. His term in prison had changed him. He was sent down for stealing copper piping from a builder’s yard. He was caught outside sitting in his van waiting for his mate to come and fix his puncture. Ironically it was due to