were...” Fielle paused, looking for the right word.
“Crazy?” Judas said. “I take no offense. It is reasonable to think I am crazy. But just do this for me, even if it's out of curiosity. If the sword is not there, then you will know I am lying.”
“I will try Judas,” Fielle said, “but no promises.”
“Fair enough,” Judas said.
Fielle stood up and turned, unsure what to make of the situation. How could one of the patients she had been visiting, a man who could hardly say a sentence straight, a man whose hands shivered involuntarily, suddenly become well? How could someone sick of the mind, suddenly speak coherently? Was there any truth, that the institution was drugging Judas to make him appear crazy?
But, the man might still actually be crazy. It might just be a temporary lapse. And what was this sword he was talking about?
Fielle had had a long day and decided not to think about it.
She didn't think that what Judas was saying was possible, but she was here, in the place that he had described. She couldn't believe she had actually done what Judas asked her.
The place was in one of the few Old Churches—the Church of Thomas. Though no one today believed in the Creator anymore, after thousands of years of trying to prove the Creator's existence and finding nothing, all that was left were a few buildings that were preserved as historical sites.
The Church had no walls, there were columns here and there, distributed in a pattern that made no sense. One could enter freely from any direction. The columns provided some cover when the Church was viewed from afar, but moving closer to the Church, one could find the openings in between the alternate columns. This made it possible to enter the Church from all directions. Was it always this way? Or had the walls been torn down at some point? Fielle doubted so.
Very few today frequented the Old Church, especially the Church of Thomas. Even in its time, the Church of Thomas was historically a small Church, surviving the wars only by chance. It was lucky that the building was still standing today, after the government of the Earth had decided that Church Institutions were no longer deemed necessary. Only a few Churches remained, as part of historical sites that were preserved, which included other types of buildings as well. Fifty years after the separation of Church and the World Government, a move that was built to totally remove the existence of the Church.
Fielle followed the instructions of Judas, half thinking she had gone crazy for believing what Judas had said.
“If I press this stone here,” Fielle mumbled to herself, “then press this wall there... Then move over and stand here...”
She felt her cheeks flush out of the silliness of the situation, deep inside she was glad that there was no one here to see what she was doing.
“Then I say seven times... A-leph-lamed-hey-mem! I seek the Spirit Of Truth!”
Fielle froze. There was a soft sound from the back of the Church. She turned to make sure no one was there. No one. She sighed in relief.
Fielle repeated the words. On the third try, there was another soft sound from the back of the Church. Fielle waited, but there was nothing. So she continued.
At the start of the seventh repetition, there was a soft grumbling. She couldn't believe that the ground had begun to shake, just as Judas had warned her. She lowered herself on all fours for balance.
She had to finish this. “I seek the Spirit Of Truth!”
Eruptions sounded from multiple directions, everything seemed to fall apart, Fielle thought the Church would just fall on her. The columns started shifting, falling, falling towards her.
She was going to die.
But the columns did not fall. She realized the columns hadn't actually fallen, instead, the columns moved! But while she was still alive, her problem now was that there was no way out. Everywhere she looked, all the paths were blocked. She was trapped in the middle of the Church,
Grace Slick, Andrea Cagan