wear to the party. The party was after all the first of the New Year and she needed to make an impression even if she was only going to walk in and out. And the party was only three days away and they were running out of time. Now come to think about it Jill had probably think of something cute to wear just in case she decided to stay she had better look good for who ever was going to make her stay.
Chapter Five
Mike was excited at the prospect of a party in honor of his girlfriend dumping him. He had almost forgotten about her in the planning of the party which had consumed every waking hour he had before the party. Grey had told him that he wanted it to be big and put Mike in charge of getting everything they needed for it. And to promote it in all the right places so that everyone would go.
It was what drunks normally call a moment of clarity when Mike realized what Grey had been doing. Grey had Mike doing all of these things so that he would forget about Gina. It had to be, Grey knew that Mike loved parties more than anything and at that thought he almost broke down again. Not because of Gina but because he realized how much Grey was his friend and how truly Grey cared for Mike's wellbeing. As a result of this Mike decided that he was going to do something big for Grey to pay him back for everything that he had done for him. Not just with this Gina thing but for all the times he was just there for him for whatever reason, without judgment, without anything other than just plain compassion and care. Mike had to tell himself to shut up before he got too far with this touchy feely crap.
Grey meanwhile had other plans, while he got Mike's attention off of Gina; he was planning and searching for someone else to fill the void in Mike's heart. In the days before the party Grey spent most of the time searching for the perfect girl for Mike. He had looked all over the school and was growing moderately desperate about the situation. He had searched everywhere, in every class, after school, before school, in random stores he even went so far as to call one of those date lines. But it wasn't until he was walking by the football field and saw a bunch of girls playing what looked kind of like volleyball. Only they had racquets and a feathery ball (he later found out it was badminton). It was at this time he saw the girl he had been looking for, he knew her from English it was Jill, and she was perfect for Mike. Through the fence he studied her from afar she was strikingly pretty with auburn hair and a smile that seemed to be too big for her face. Grey decided to ask the girl that was always with Jill to come to the party. That way it wouldn't seem like he was going after Jill and Mike would have a clean shot at her. Grey knew that those two girls were inseparable and that if he asked the other one Jill would definitely come to the party he just wished that he could remember the name of the girl that was Jill's friend. Just now he felt a lot like an FBI agent whenever he got to planning things; he hadn't done it in while and was getting excited.
The next day Grey put on his best façade when he went up to Jill's friend to ask her to the party. He put on a sort of nervous look and went over to her during lunch. "Hey, I am throwing a party this weekend and I was sort of-uh wondering if you wanted to come with me. It will be cool you know if you could." He said with his best boyish charm, it was all he could do to not burst out laughing. "Um-yeah, I mean I don't know." Charlotte said in all of her innocence. She had seen Grey before but was always to afraid to talk to him because he always seemed way too hot to talk to. "Well it's this weekend. Will you come if I bring a friend for your friend? Maybe they'll hit it off or something." Grey said feeling cunningly sly. "Yeah totally it sounds like fun! I'll ask Jill and we'll go together." Charlotte was overwhelmed with excitement and it was showing. She thought