to say? You are so self-important Eric and so independent. Do you know why? How could you be so foolish as to not know why you are the way you are?”
“I don’t know what you’re getting at but you should know that tall guys in armor have received a head-rolling sword strike from me before. I won’t hesitate to do it again.” Eric scowled up at the massive angel.
Michael laughed a loud and rumbling laugh and sat back down. After a minute he clasped his hands together and quietly repeated, “You, Eric, are a stubborn fool. You are a stubborn fool because God made you that way. The one who crafted you in your mother’s womb made you the way you are. The answer to every question about you is that you are that way, act that way and behave the way you do because God made you that way and yet you refuse to admit it to yourself and serve him.”
“People do not always stay the way that God meant for them to be,” Eric argued. “Assuming that God exists, which is pretty hard to deny at this point, people do not always behave or live in the way I would imagine he intends.”
“You are correct Eric,” Michael said with a smile, “You are absolutely correct. I did not say that everyone is the way they are because God made them that way. Eric, I said that you are that way because God made you that way. See, many humans choose to go against their natural make-up. So very many of you, even the ones you revere from history sometimes refused to follow the path that God had for them. You, however, have followed the path God had for you to an exact point that few humans have ever equaled.”
“You mean,” Eric grew more confused by the second, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Eric, you are exactly who God wants you to be, in the time He wants you to be this way, for the reason He wants you to be here. Don’t assume that everything you hear from Satan, the father of lies by the way; is truth. For example, he would have you to believe that he now can do anything he wants and nobody knows. He can get anything he wants passed God himself and nobody can get anything passed him. Isn’t that what you think?”
Eric shrugged, “Pretty much I guess.”
“It might surprise you to know then that I was sitting here for the entire time Lucifer was speaking to you. I was here the entire time and he never knew it for a second. I can assure you that if he had known that I was here,” Michael smiled, “He would have faded away much more quickly. He, though a liar and deceiver to the ends of time, is not a fool. He knows his place and only seeks to take all of humanity down with him when he burns. Only a human fool would believe that anything he says is true. He wants the throne of heaven,” Michael laughed loudly. “He knows he cannot achieve that goal. It is only something he says to sway you away from the path that God has for you. You’re job now is to stay the course of your life. You have been gifted with many amazing superhuman abilities. I assure you that when the need arises, you will receive even more amazing gifts. You must not allow Satan or anyone who does his work, to sway you. If you do, all of your abilities and gifts, present, past and future, will fade away. I assume you understand now what your choice actually is as well as what likely rides upon what you choose. You don’t have to like that you are the last hope for the salvation of the currently populated human race. You do not have to continue to serve as the warrior you have served as in the recent past. At least now you know what the world will lose if you stop as well as what you will lose if you decide to stop. I must leave you now but I will leave you with one piece of advice. The female human named Destiny is a wild card. She is severely self-serving but in many ways so are you. We cannot say for certain what her choices will be from this point forward. That is the beauty of freedom of choice that you humans have. However, as long as she is willing