The Glowing Knight

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Book: The Glowing Knight Read Free
Author: Jodi Meadows
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smirked and motioned for him to sit, and then, somewhat hurriedly, waved the guards to take their places in the hall.
    This, at least, was one place they wouldn’t shadow my every move. I didn’t like the idea of a quartet of heavily armed men standing around while I slept.
    When the door shut with a low click, I turned back to Professor Knight. “How are you feeling?”
    The thick pad of bandaging made his sleeve tight, but when he glanced at the injury, he shrugged it off. “Better, thank you.” His chair creaked as he leaned back. “The physicians have done everything they can and the rest will just take time to heal. But there shouldn’t be a scar.”
    â€œThank saints.” I grinned and sat across from him.“Everyone knows how vain you are.”
    He chuckled and turned to James, who was leaning against the table. “I had the pleasure of watching you fight earlier. You did quite well, as far as I could see. Everyone says you’re the favorite for the top positions this autumn.”
    James bowed a little. “That’s kind of you to say, but I know I made mistakes today. I won’t make them tomorrow.”
    â€œGood, because I’ve put some money on you winning. Don’t let me down.”
    â€œOf course not, sir.”
    â€œI hope you’re returning to classes tomorrow, Professor.”
    â€œIndeed, I’ll be in our usual room at the usual time. But that’s not what I came to discuss.”
    â€œOh?” Finally. Maybe I could get some answers without even having to ask the questions.
    â€œThis won’t take long. I have errands to run before I return to the Academy.” He paused, as though regretting saying that. “I wanted to ask what you saw the night of your birthday party. Every detail.”
    I knew a test when I heard one. He wanted me to agree it hadn’t been Lord Hensley who’d attacked him, but I wasn’t going to lie.
    I covered my hesitation by pretending to be distracted by the ticking of the mantel clock. “Ah, well, I’m sure you’ve already heard about that.”
    â€œEveryone knows that you had Gerald Hensley arrested and brought before your father.”
    My face went hot at the memory.
    â€œI’m more concerned with what you actually saw. You didn’tsee the man’s face while he was in the house? Or after?”
    â€œNo, unfortunately.” Not that me seeing his face would have made a difference. I knew it was Hensley. “What about you? Any idea who he was?”
    â€œI’m afraid not, though I’ve been assured that the Indigo Order is doing their best to find him. I’ve given as complete a description as I’m able, but that’s as much as I can do.”
    â€œSo you don’t think it was someone from the party?” I asked, and glanced at James.
    â€œOh, certainly not. I’d have been able to identify them.” Professor Knight leaned one elbow on the table, not quite managing to look casual. “I have to say, Tobiah, while I’m touched that you went to such lengths to apprehend my attacker, I’m a little embarrassed that it was Lord Hensley you caught. Of course he would never do anything to harm anyone.”
    I wanted to ask how long he’d been practicing that denial, but that probably wasn’t the best way to get real answers. “What were the two of you talking about during the tournament this afternoon?”
    Knight scowled. “You, of course. He knows we’re close and was hoping that I could persuade you to apologize for the allegations.”
    â€œLord Hensley doesn’t seem like the kind of man who requires an apology in order to live a satisfying life.” I didn’t add that apology-seeking wasn’t what Hensley had told me they discussed.
    â€œI think you underestimate his respect for you, Your Highness. When you accused him, you hurt him quite deeply. Plus, his peers look at

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