its commonly known side effects a few seasons ago but as if in response to Ayo a small blue dragon’s stomach growled noisily, followed by a really loud burp. The younglings near where he sat roared with laughter.
‘The second part of fire-making,’ continued Ayo. ‘The dragon tongue is vital in making flames.’
He clicked his own tongue and a few sparks shot forth.
‘See these ridges here,’ he pointed to the drawing on his own board as he held it up. ‘The technical name for these is carbon-teeth.’ Several pupils scribbled this down and he pointed to the shape of the ridges, which were curved slightly like tiny claws.
‘These curved shapes are one half of what makes the sparks that ignite the flame,’ said Ayo. ‘Every dragon is born with these. Even tiny hatchlings have the little diamond-protrusions on their tongues,’ he paused.‘And there is another important part of making fire.’ This time Ayo tapped the top of his mouth with a claw.
‘The flint bones,’ he said, ‘which harden around the top of the mouth and when they are properly set the tongue can be used to strike against them and make sparks.’
He drew a mouth around the tongue on the board and tapped at it. ‘The basic technique is very simple,’ he said, ‘although it does not usually come naturally and has to be taught. Can anyone tell me a dragon for whom this method was a natural skill?’
Now all the younglings flung their wings up, jostling to be chosen. Ayo pointed out an orange dragon.
‘Surion!’ he announced proudly.
‘That’s right,’ said Ayo. ‘And what was unusual about Surion?’
‘His egg,’ said Igorr loudly, glaring at Yoshiko. ‘Surion was a cursed dragon. He came from a strange-coloured egg!’
Ayo shook his head. ‘Not many dragons think Surion was a curse, Igorr. Almost all in our land praise him as a great dragon and our hero. Do you all know much about the legend of Surion?’ he asked, addressing the younglings before him.
Most of the dragons nodded their heads but some looked at him blankly, so Ayo continued.
‘Surion is the most famous dragon in all our history because he was the first dragon to make flames. No creature before Surion could breathe fire. He taught other dragons to use fire to escape from being the slaves of humans. It enabled us to win our freedom. There was a mighty battle that we today know as the Battle of Surion, and since then all of us dragons have lived in our own secret land where no humans can find us. The Commandments of Goadah keep us safe and secret from capture.’ All the dragons were listening attentively except Igorr who was fidgeting impatiently.
‘As the lessons progress you will learn that the dragon’s fire is our greatest accomplishment. Each different dragon clan uses their fire for many different purposes. Some dragons make exquisite metalwork, others the most beautiful pots from the red clay of our hills.’ He waved his wings expansively. ‘Today I am not going to get into any further argument as to whether Surion from the red egg brought dragons freedom or cursed us to live in hiding,’ he said. ‘That is for your history teacher to debate with you. Our Council has enough challenges to deal with, doing all they can to protect us from externalthreats. It is important that we are united, talented and strong. In Fire School I need you all to get along.’ He looked out at them as if daring anyone to disagree.
‘So now I imagine all of you will want to make the biggest flames that you possibly can,’ he said.
The younglings nodded enthusiastically.
‘Well then,’ said Ayo. ‘Time to give it a try.’ He unfolded his wings to gesture them to move towards the fire targets.
The younglings set their nets down to the floor and trooped closer to the crescent.
Their elders were now directly above them watching from the viewing deck.
Igorr’s face lit up suddenly.
‘There is my elder, Gandar!’ he cried, grabbing Yoshiko’s wing in his