and waited for the deathblow. The stranger laughed but the sound was thin and did not grow in strength.
"Rely not on strength alone. The deceits of smiling courtiers have brought death to many fools. I don't believe you to be a fool, Tag Makk. Do not even trust me."
"Believe me, Sir Norman, I will not." Tag Makk grinned. "I know you were the favorite nephew of King Robert and might have had the Eslenda crown yourself, but for the deceits of your brother Richard, who then proceeded to lose the crown to Henry Islen. Richard was a coward, who ran at the sight of Henry with a sword. You would not have run from Henry, but your brother had already exiled you. I have heard all the stories from Eslenda, and I know that you would stop at nothing to kill King Henry and reclaim your birthright. But know this - I will use all the weapons I have to crush my enemies. I want the world at my feet."
"And the Daerlan?" asked Sir Norman. "Do they figure into your plans?"
Tag Makk did not answer.
"I know the Turucks and Daerlan to be kin. Is there a need to strike at them? They will fight different than the soldiers of Eslenda. They use.."
"I know how they fight!" snarled Tag Makk. "Do not lecture me! We will see to them after Eslenda falls. I dreamt of their fall for centuries." He spoke to himself. "Let it come soon."
"What is in the gilded casket at your feet? An idol? A special jewel for luck?"
Tag Makk glared at the swordsman. The murmurs in his head stopped. His expression softened. "Would you like to touch it?"
"I already hear the whispers from it. There is darkness there that covers you and your people. I can see how it twisted you into night creatures. I have no desire to touch it."
"Well, perhaps you won't have to. We shall see how well my soldiers fight after you train them. Only my Shadow Runners need to touch it, but that may change. Would you teach the Shadow Runners too?"
"If you wish."
"You aren't afraid?"
"I noticed they died just as easy as your regular soldiers. My blade was not impressed with them. Be wary you do not overestimate them."
"I believe you are too free with your tongue. Will you need it for the training?"
"Of course."
"Then don't force me to rip it out!" Tag Makk roared. Sir Norman did not back away. He nodded and kept his grin to himself.
"Do you have any more need of me at this time? I wish to sleep and recover my strength. I am an old man now. And your soldiers did kick me severely after I was down. It is a wonder I can even stand."
Tag Makk stared at the old man.
"You will be awakened at sundown and begin the training." He abruptly left the room. Machel watched Sir Norman for a moment.
"Whatever else you are, Eslendian, you are brave." Machel touched his forehead in a salute and followed Tag Makk.
Left alone, Sir Norman sighed and slumped down to rest. He was nearly spent, but he still lived. He would have his revenge on Henry Islen and on Tag Makk too. He had spent so many years away from home. Would they think him dead? His grandchildren would not know him. But Henry would know him and fear him and that thought would sustain him through the coming days.
Chapter 1
Loric Greyrawk opened his eyes and saw the swarthy complexion, long bushy black mustache and red eyes peering closely at his own. His mind quickly processed the image, one he recognized but then his other senses kicked in.
"Argh, do you ever chew mint leaves?" asked Loric, waving his hand in front of his face.
"Good, you're awake at last," said Blackthorne the sorcerer. "Your head wound was worse than I first thought. Bled for quite a while. Didn't think you had so much of anything in your head. You should be fine now."
"The Turuck scout?"
Loric sat up slowly, rubbing his black hair with his pale blue hand. Blood had soaked the bandage and his fingers spread the blood and sand across his forehead. Loric was a tall swordsman, half Man, half Celaeri, an elder race of Amloth. The Celaeri blood granted him long
Aurora Hayes, Ana W. Fawkes