after snorting a laugh. “I’m sorry, Ray but that is kinda funny.”
“Let’s see how funny he thinks this is,” Raven replied, with all the girls waiting to see what she was about to do. It was the second time that day that he’d done something like that, and she wasn’t going to let him get away with it that time.
Keeping eye contact with Beck, Raven picked up her banana, and rested her elbows on the table. Holding it up in front of her, she slowly peeled the skin back.
Beck lowered the donut, his eyes watching her every move. Especially when Raven licked her lips before bringing the banana to her mouth.
She watched as Beck’s jaw slackened as she parted her lips, ready to take the banana into her mouth.
The guys turned to see what he was staring at, and the girls were stifling their giggles.
“Do it,” Ava whispered next to her, and Raven opened her mouth wider.
Instead of taking the banana seductively into her mouth, Raven bared her teeth and clamped down.
The girls burst out laughing as the guys hissed and cringed.
Beck narrowed his eyes, his lips turning up in the corners; a slow smile spreading.
“Uh oh,” Leila said, turning back round from watching the guys’ faces twisting in imagined pain. “I think he’s planning on a comeback.”
“He can plan all he wants,” Raven replied. “I’m tired of his crap.”
“What are you going to do?” Kerry asked, glancing back at Beck who was still smiling at her.
Raven had no idea.
She wasn’t good at preplanning her responses, because she never knew what Beck was going to say, or do, next.
“Are you finally going to go to the Dean?” Ava’s question brought Raven out of her thoughts.
“And say what?”
“That he’s been sexually harassing you,” Ava whispered.
“No. For everything that he’s done, and will probably do, I don’t want him to get into trouble,” Raven said, dropping her head in resignation. “If anything goes on his record, it could jeopardize his career opportunities.”
It was no secret that Beck’s family owned a few businesses. That was the whole point of him taking his major in Economics; so he could fit right in with his dad and take over someday. Having that over him might ruin it.
If Raven complained -the only person to have a problem with him- would not only get him in trouble with the college and his family, but she would also be pointed out for it.
Her college days would be made hell by many more than just the one person.
She could deal with Beck on her own. The rest of campus? Not so much.
Beck was well aware of that too.
“You’ve got great legs, Raven,” Beck said as she walked by in her shorts.
It was a hot day at the start of Sophomore year, and the students were lounging about on the grassy areas with their lunches.
Raven turned to look in his direction and saw that he was looking at her bare legs appreciatively. The way he smiled as he was letting his eyes roam over her told her that he wasn’t done with his statement.
“They’d look even better wrapped around my waist.”
“Oh my God, don’t you get tired of hearing yourself?” Raven snapped. “It’s getting old now, Beck. I don’t know how many times you can say the same thing and still think it’s funny.”
“How about if they were wrapped around my head? Is that better?” he smiled. “That would be first anyway, then I could slip them down to my waist, and then…”
“You’re unbelievable!” she shrieked.
“You’re supposed to say that after,” he grinned.
“You know what? I’m not going to stand for this anymore. If you’re not going to stop, then I’m going to have somebody make you stop.”
That got Beck’s attention.
He stood up from the chair he was lounging on, and walked right up to her, his size overwhelming as he looked down on her.
Her pulse increased, and her breath hitched when got into her space.
“Are you going to tattle on me, Raven?” he asked with a smirk.
“If it gets