encampment. However, they were honorable dragons and they would respect each other’s privacy with little effort. “You can’t keep ignoring invitations to the palace forever. You’re the only female, Mede. That’s—”
“ I’ve never laid eyes on our future king and I don’t want to. I have a hard enough time when people with power over me are trying to control me. I don’t want to have to defy the orders of your parents, but I am not a pet to be put on display. I respect King Tared and Queen Lorna greatly, from a commoner’s distance, but I have no interest in life at court. As for meeting new men, you sound like my mother. She constantly tries to trick me into the presence of new males in hopes their crystals will twitch in my direction, so I’ll know before the ceremony who my future is. The men all take alien brides. Why would my fate be different? It’s possible that my crystal would have glowed for an offworlder, but I broke it and do not regret doing so. I still have no interest in knowing a husband. Give me a weapon, a good bottle of Qurilixian rum and—”
“ Gods’ bones, woman,” he swore in aggravation. Mede knew he was struggling with the Draig need to protect their females. However, most of the females needed a man’s protection because they were humanoid. She was a shifter, and this was her chance to prove it once and for all. At least Rolant, and the others in the ancient Dead Dragons order, treated her more equally than most. “Are you sure you want to do this? No one expects you to prove yourself.”
“ Why?” She stiffened. “Because I’m a woman?”
Rolant turned his eyes away. That was answer enough.
“I’m doing it. I have completed every grueling task demanded of me by the order. And when I get back, you will make me a full member of the Dead Dragons.” Mede reached to pull a lock of his light brown hair, forcing him to look at her. At her hard expression, he nodded. Mede let him go. “Good.”
Due to the three suns and a single moon revolving around the small planet at different angles, the land was always cast in light, except for once a year, when all suns set at the same time. The light had a green tint that would dim into a bluer hue, in what they considered the evening hours. However, near the border marshes, the trees were much thicker than they were by her mountain home and the green leaves soaked in the many suns’ rays becoming wide enough to wear as a hat. This created a false darkness in the shadowed marshes and nearby forest. Her eyes shifted as she looked into the trees, cutting through the shadows as if her gaze was made of light.
“ Stay to the east, away from the shadowed marshes and black castle. Givre nests are bad this year. Keep moving. Sniff out a marsh farmer. One should be easy enough to detect. Most of them will be in a dead sleep by now. Stay quiet,” Rolant instructed.
Mede nodded.
“ I vouched for you. Don’t disappoint me.” He handed her a knife. Loudly, he proclaimed, “You know what you have to do. Back here by dawn.”
The group of Draig all shifted fully and began growling in excitement, cheering her on. They would continue to celebrate as she went off alone.
Mede felt the anticipation of her task pumping in her veins, the danger of it, the thrill, the rush. Her shift came over her like a shiver. Dark brown flesh replaced her tanned skin, growing over her body like a shield beneath her loose pants and tunic shirt. A ridge pushed out from her forehead, shielding her nose and brow, and fangs extended from her mouth.
“ Flying would be faster!” Saben yelled.
Lifting the knife in a taloned hand, she grinned. Her words were the gruff sound of the dragon as she declared, “Time to skin a cat!”
Mede darted into the forest, leaving the roars of the men behind her. She couldn’t fail. This was her one chance to prove she was worthy of being a dragon. No one would treat her like a mere woman again. And with luck, they’d let
H.B. Gilmour, Randi Reisfeld