knew that Hal suffered from asthma, and that his asthma was
much worse when exercising or excited. He had often heard the others tease Hal
because of his weakness. Master Orres dropped his hand to start the duel. Erik
wasn’t sure what to do. He knew he’d be teased if he yielded, but he couldn’t
bring himself to take advantage of Hal. Before Erik could decide how to act he
was whacked across the chest by Hal’s sword.
Erik blocked a
second blow and then took a knee on the field. “I yield,” Erik shouted. The
crowd jeered and laughed at him, but all he heard was Hal trying to catch his
breath. Erik ignored the teasing and watched Hal. Hal took off his helmet and
nodded to Erik. The asthmatic apprentice was still wheezing, but Erik was sure
that he would recover in a minute or two.
“If that is the
best you can do, this is going to be a long day for you, apprentice,” Master
Orres chided.
Erik shrugged
off Master Orres’ comment and got back into his ready position. The next
apprentice, Gergu Smuld, charged furiously as soon as Orres started the duel.
Gergu attacked with wild, uncontrolled swings, but Erik deflected them.
Suddenly Erik’s
helmet spun over his face and his ears rang like church bells. Gergu had landed
a hard blow straight to his right temple. Another stinging blow smacked him
across his belly.
Erik listened
closely and heard panting to his left. With all his might he lashed out with a
cross strike. He felt solid resistance against his sword and heard the two
wasters clack together. Erik leaned into his sword, not allowing his foe to
launch a counter-strike. Erik kicked his left foot out and planted it solidly
on the ground on a spot that he hoped would be behind Gergu’s leg. A moment
afterward Erik felt movement at the back of his left ankle. Using all of his
strength, Erik pushed forward with his right leg, driving his shoulders right
into his foe’s chest. A second later Erik heard a loud thud on the ground,
followed by some cheering from the crowd. Erik removed his helmet and
discovered that Gergu was flat on his back.
“Well fought,”
Erik said as he helped the other apprentice up.
“You’ll have to
show me how you did that,” Gergu said.
“Perhaps next
week,” Erik replied.
Master Orres cut in. “Off with you lad, there are still plenty of others
waiting their turns.”
Gergu scurried
off the field and another one took his place. Erik took a moment to readjust
his helmet before getting back into position.
The next
challenger, Jared Highborn, swung his sword fiercely at the air in front of him
and got into place. Master Orres gave the signal and Jared rushed forward. Erik
deftly blocked Jared’s over handed strike. The wasters smacked together again
and again as the two danced in a circle.
Erik swept his
sword low, catching his opponent just above the left ankle. Jared’s feet flew
out from under him, but Erik wasn’t done. He didn’t want to risk his opponent
correcting himself so Erik came in hard and fast with an overhead chop to
Jared’s chest. The blow sent him straight down to land on his back.
The crowd fell
silent in shock and Master Orres rushed over to the duelers. He knelt down
beside Jared, who was still lying flat on his back, and removed the boy’s
“Can you speak
boy?” Master Orres asked, slapping Jared’s cheeks. Jared groaned, and then he
rolled over and pushed up to his knees. Erik offered a hand to him and helped
him to his feet.
“Well fought,”
Erik offered. Jared nodded, but said nothing.
“Let’s get on
with it,” Master Orres shouted. He yanked the loser’s free arm and shoved him
toward the waiting Apprentices of the Hand. “Send out the next duelist.”
Erik quietly got
back into place and watched as Haddus Makh, a short, portly boy, waddled out
onto the grass. Erik readied his sword, but before Master Orres could give the
signal Haddus tossed his sword to the ground.
“I yield,”