glance at the stairs for what seems like the gazillionth time. My mom never came down. That’s weird. She rarely makes me stay down here alone if she’s actually here. After locking up, lowering the blinds, and turning out the lights, I grab the stack of mail and go upstairs.
The house smells amazing. Like sweet cooked carrots and mashed potatoes with gravy.
My mom is standing at the stove stirring gravy. Just as I’m about to greet her, she says, “I know. And that’s the problem.”
I realize she’s on the phone, so I head to my bedroom to put my shoes away. Halfway down the hall I hear her say, “Oh please. They don’t live here to mingle with normal society.”
She must be talking to her best friend. She doesn’t know I’ve overheard many conversations like this but I have. I kick off my shoes in my room and head back to the kitchen.
“Smells good, Mom,” I say.
She jumps and then says, “Well, Caymen just walked in. I’d better go.” She laughs at something her friend says. Her laugh is like a melodic song.
The kitchen doesn’t like two people in it at once so it constantly shoves counter edges and drawer handles into my hips and lower back. I soon abandon the idea that we can both fit, and I step around the counter to the small dining area.
“Sorry I didn’t join you downstairs,” she says after hanging up the phone. “I thought I’d make us a hot dinner. It’s been a while.”
I sit down and flip through the mail I had brought up. “Is there an occasion?”
“Nope. Just for fun.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I hold up the electricity bill in a pink envelope. I have no idea why pink is chosen for lateness. Is it really the color that announces to the world (or at least the mail carrier): “These people are irresponsible failures?” I’d think puke yellow would do a better job at that announcement. “Forty-eight-hours notice.”
“Ugh. Is that the only one?”
“Looks like it.”
“Okay. I’ll pay it online later. Just set it on the counter.”
I don’t even have to stand up to reach the counter. It’s less than an arm’s length away from the table. My mom carries over two plates of steaming food and sets one in front of me. We talk as we eat.
“Oh, Mom, I forgot to tell you about the guy who came into the store the other day.”
“Oh yeah?”
“He beckoned me.”
“I’m sure he was just trying to get your attention.”
I keep going. “Also, nobody taught him how to smile, and there was a lip curl at one point.”
“Well, I hope you kept these thoughts to yourself.” She takes a bite of her potatoes.
“No, I told him that you offered smiling lessons in the afternoon. I think he’ll be in tomorrow.”
Her eyes snap up, but she must realize I’m kidding because she lets out a sigh even though I see her trying to hide a smile.
“Mrs. Dalton was in again today.”
For this news she offers a real smile. “She was in last week, too. She gets so excited when she’s waiting for a doll.”
“I know. It’s cute.” I clear my throat and fork a swirling pattern in my potatoes before looking at my mom.
“Thanks for running the store today. I got caught up in paperwork up here.”
“It’s okay.”
“You know I appreciate you, right?”
I shrug. “It’s no big deal.”
“It is to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I think you’d own lots of cats.”
“Really? You think I’d be a cat lady?”
I nod slowly. “Yeah. That or nutcrackers.”
“What? Nutcrackers? I don’t even like nuts.”
“You don’t have to like nuts to own lots of wide-mouthed wooden dolls.”
“So you think without you that I’d have a completely different personality and like cats and/or nutcrackers?”
Without me she’d have a completely different life. She’d have probably gone to college and got married, not been disowned by her parents. “Well, yeah. Hello. Without me in your life you’d have no humor or love. You’d be a sad, sad woman.”
Jan (ILT) J. C.; Gerardi Greenburg