together when agi tated, beady, red eyes, and snakelike tongues. Their skin is transparent, revealing their primary means of defense: live-flesh-eating maggots that squirm constantly beneath the skin. Few can look upon an Obhirrat without becom ing nauseous. Ufelskala Score: 3
Oni —These rather stupid demons are troublemakers. The party animals of the underworld, they eat, drink, and have sex to excess. Onis may live in the human realm or the demon one, but they are always present at the sites of natural disasters, and they love to hang out in places where diseases reach epidemic proportions. Ranging in size from half the size of a human to three times the size, they also vary in color, from pale peach to bright pink to blue. Their three fingers and toes on each hand and foot end in sharp talons. They boast three eyes, a flat face, and a gaping mouth full of fangs. Ufelskala Score: 3
Ramreel —Rumored to have been created from human and goat stock, these burly, small-eyed demons with curled horns tend to make their living by hiring them selves out as guards. As small kids, they train with blade weapons, giving them a head start in the crowded but lucrative security market. Ufelskala Score: 2
Rusalka —Freshwater species that can shapeshift into fishes and frogs. Rusalkas are female, pale green in color, with green hair. They are perpetually lonely, and they lure human men into the water to mate with them. Unfor tunately, their partners always drown after they give up their seed, leaving the Rusalkas lonely once more—that is, until their eggs hatch nine months later. Despite the fact that they always kill their partners, Rusalkas are not evil; they never intend to drown their partners, and they always forget that it happened, so they can't learn from their mistakes. Ufelskala Score: 1
Seminus —A rare, specialized breed of incubi. Members of the breed are exclusively male. As a ter' taceo species, they appear human. As incubi, they are always attractive, and their sexual pheromones can loosen up even the most prickly females. At one hundred years old, Semi nus demons gain the ability to shapeshift and impregnate females of other species. Because individual Seminus demons are raised by different species, their Ufelskala scores vary wildly. In addition, after their second matura tion cycle at the age of one hundred, they often lose any sense of compassion and rationality they might have had before the s'genesis. Ufelskala Score: Varies
Sensor — Ter'taceo demons who live and work with humans in order to seek out and destroy the infant half-breed offspring of humans and demons. Though their natural form is humanoid, their skin begins to deterio rate after too much time in the human realm. They must return to Sheoul every six months to endure a two-week regeneration ritual. Ufelskala Score: 2
Shapeshifter —Shapeshifters (as their own distinct spe cies, as opposed to a demon who can shift his shape) dif fer from weres in two main ways: shapeshifters turn into true animals, not human-beasts, and shapeshifters can shift at will and are not affected by the full moon. All true shifters have a telltale birthmark, a red, star-shaped mole behind the left ear. According to the Daemonica, the demon bible, shapeshifters, like weres and vampires, have human souls. Ufelskala Score: Varies
Silas Demon —The mercenaries of the underworld. These pale white, eyeless demons live in Sheoul, in large com munities where no other species is allowed. They sell their war services to the highest bidders as groups, not individuals, and they will destroy anything and anyone they are paid to kill. Their clothing is made entirely of the hides and skins of their victims. Ufelskala Score: 4
Slogthu —Apelike demons with long, tufted ears. They often have exaggerated underbites, overgrown lower fangs, and patchy fur. A cold-weather species, they live high up in mountains or in icy regions of Sheoul. They are extremely dexterous, famous for
Ann Voss Peterson, J.A. Konrath